На английском языке
A.H.D., A Little Book of Toast & Maxims with some After-Dinner Stories and Choice Bacchanalian Selections, London, G. G. Harrap & Co., Ltd, s.d.
A. Benedetti, On Scott’s “Ivanhoe” (contribution to one of Cassell’s literary competitions) London-May 1925, Palermo, Boccone del Povero, 1925.
C. M. Bowra, From Virgil to Milton, Macmillan & Co. Ltd, London 1945.
С посвящением: “To V. Ivanov from C. M. Bowra”.
C. M. Bowra, (The) Heritage of Symbolism, London, Macmillan & Co. Ltd, 1947.
С посвящением: “To Vyacheslav Ivanov, truest of Symbolists from C. M. Bowra”.
C. M. Bowra, Sophoclean Tragedy, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1945.
На с. 3 подчеркнуто: “with Shakespeare in our bones”. Приложено: Reprint from Greece & Rome, v. V, n. 13, oct. 1935.
R. Browning, The Pied Piper of Hamelin. With Notes, Milano-Genova-Roma-Napoli, Soc. Ed. Dante Alighieri, 1929. Внутри карандашом: “Topi e gatti — dominio quasi esclusivo di Browning e del Capogatto e di L. Sl.”.
Lord Byron, Poetical Works, reprinted form the original Editions, London, Eyre & Spottiswoode, Внутри владельческая запись: “V.I.”
T. Cann, Friends at home and around or social chat: a connected tale in a series of imaginary conversations illustrative of English phraseology and idioms to facilitate the acquisition of a colloquial knowledge of English, Firenze, Bemporad, 1920. Не разрезано.
Alfonso cardinal Capecelatro, The Life of Saint Philip Neri Apostole of Rome, London, Burns Oates & Wahbourne Ltd., 1926.
T. Carlyle, On heroes, Hero-Worship and Heroic in History, Leipzig, B. Tauchnitz, (1916?).
Catechism of Christian Doctrine, with Prayers, Hymns, and other Aids to Devotion, London, Oates&Washbourne Ltd., s.d.
I. De Beausobre, Flame in the snow. A Russian Legend, London, Constable, (1945).
A. Conan Doyle, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, v. I, Leipzig, Tauchnitz, s.d.
(The) Explanatory Catechism of Christian Doctrine chiefly intended for the use of Children in Catholic Schools, London, Burns, Oates & Washbourne, Ltd., s.d.
W. E. Gladstone, M. P., Rome and the Newest Fashions in religion, Leipzig, B. Tauchnitz, 1875. Reprint.
B. Harte, The Story of a Mine, Leipzig, B. Tauchnitz, 1877. Reprint.
Внутри владельческая запись: “Ivanov”.
S. Konovalov, Oxford and Russia. An Inaugural lecture delivered before the University of Oxford on 26 November 1946, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1947.
С посвящением: “Глубокоуважаемому Вячеславу Ивановичу Иванову от его почитателя из Нового поколения русских Сергей Коновалов”.
Mrs. Lankester, Wild Flowers worth notice being a Selection from the British Flora of some of our Native Plants, which are most attractive from their Beauty, Uses, or Associations, London, R. Hardwicke, 1861.
Внутри запись: “F. Y. Frebochy March. 1861”.
A. H. M. Lépicier, “Ut christiani, ita et romani sitis”. A sermon preached on St. Patrick’s Day March 17th, 1930 in th e Church of St. Isidore, Rome 1930. С посвящением “May Our dear Lord bless Miss Lydia Ivanow Al. H.M. Lépicier OSM”.
N. O. Lossky, Intellectual Intuition and Ideal Being, Praha, Russkij svobodnyj universitet v Prage, 1934.
N. O. Lossky, Intuitivism, Praha, Russkij svobodnyj universitet v Prage, 1935.
С посвящением: “Дорогому Вячеславу Ивановичу Иванову Н. Лосский”.
A. Nekludoff, Diplomatic Reminiscences before and during the World War. 1911-1917, London, J. Murray, 1920.
A. J. O’Rahilly, M. A., Faith and Facts, London, Catholic Truth Society, 1922.
Rev. H. Pope, The Godhead of Christ as Portrayed in the Gospels, London, Catholic Truth Society, 1925.
G. Robey, Don’ts, London, John Long, Ltd., 1926.
M. Sandoz, Fantastic Memories, Garden City (New York), Doubleday, 1945.
С посвящением: “Au Maître des Grandes Orgues Venceslao Ivanov hommage d’un joueur de chalumeau Maurice Sandoz Rome 1948”.
M. Sandoz, (The) Maze, illustrations by S. Dalì, Garden City (New York), Doubleaday, 1946.
С посвящением: “A l’Auteur de tant de villes imaginaires, cette histoire véritable Bien cordialement Maurice Sandoz Rome 1947”.
W. L Scott, K. C., Eastern Catholics, London, Catholic Truth Society, 1924.
W. Shakespeare, Hamlet Prince of Denmark, Leipzig, B. Tauchnitz, 1868.
С печатью Collegio Borromeo di Pavia.
W. Shakespeare, Sonnets and A Lover’s Complaint, London-Edinburgh, Clarendon Press, 1907.
W. B. Smith, A New Philosopher, in «Evening Post», The Literary Review, July 9, 1921, New York.
S. Stefanovich, Hennil and other poems, translated from the original Serbian, Beograd, S. B.. Cviyanovich, 1933.
F. Thompson, The Poems of Francis Thompson, London, Oxford University Press, Humphrey Milford, 1937.
A. M. Tommasini, Irish Saints in Italy, Glasgow, Sands and co., Ltd., 1937.
С посвящением: “All’illustre e caro prof. Venceslao Ivanov in segno di devota amicizia. Roma, 28 sett. 1937 fr. A.M. Tommasini O.F.M.”.
C. J. Varkey, M. A., The Most Rev. Dr. Alexis H. M. Lepicier, O.S.M, Mangalore, Codiabail Press, s.d.
(The) Visitor Apostolic in the Lahore Diocese, Calcutta, C. O. Press, (1925?).
Dom A. Vonier O.S.B., The Life of The World to Come, London, Burns Oates & Washburne ltd., 1926.
E. Wallace, Terror Keep, Leipzig, B. Tauchnitz, 1927.
Внутри владельческая запись: “Ivanov”.
T. Warsher, Pompeii in three hours, Rome, Industria Tip. Imperia, 1930.
O. Wilde, A Woman of no Importance, Leipzig, B. Tauchnitz, 1909.
На обложке владельческая запись: “V.I.”.
O. Wilde, De profundis and The Ballad of Reading Gaol, Leipzig, B. Tauchnitz, 1908.
All’interno iniziali del possessore: “V.I.”.
Периодические издания на английском языке
(The) Anglo-Yugoslav Review, January-April 1936, v. I, nn. 1-2.
Mesa, 1/1945.
(The) Monthly Criterion, may 1927, vol. V, n. II.