1 BERDIAEV, N. A. Samopoznanie: Opyt filosofskoi avtobiografii [Self-knowledge: An essay in philosophical autobiography]. Compiled, edited, and annotated by A. V. Vadimov. Moscow: Kniga, 154—60 and passim.
Revised and expanded reprint of 1949.5 with notes and corrections based on the manuscript held in TsGALI. References to Ivanov can be traced through the index.
2 BOGOMOLOV, N. A. “’My — dva grozoi zazhzhennye stvola...’: Erotika v russkoi poezii — ot simvolistov do oberiutov” [“We are two trunks kindled by the storm...”: Eroticism in Russian poetry from the symbolists to the Oberiuty]. Literaturnoe obozrenie (Moscow), no. 11: 56—64.
In Russian. Investigates erotic themes in the poetry of Briusov, Ivanov, Kuzmin, and Kharms. The section on Ivanov (pp. 59—61) includes various materials. Quotes Zinov’eva-Annibal’s description of a Wednesday gathering in 1907 at which Voloshin and Ivanov both spoke on Eros. Discusses Ivanov’s affair with Gorodetskii, reflected in the poems of Eros and in Zinov’eva-Annibal’s play “Pevuchii osel” [The singing ass] (1907), interpreted as a satirical reflection of these events. Comments on Ivanov’s and Zinov’eva-Annibal’s involvement with M. Sabashnikova, reflected in “Zolotye zavesy” [Golden veils] and in Zinov’eva-Annibal’s story Tridtsat’ tri uroda [Thirty-three abominations]
(1907), interpreted not as an apology for Lesbian love but as a tragedy of the denial of eroticism between two women. Quotes Voloshin’s paraphrase of Ivanov’s description of the scene of Zinov’eva-Annibal’s death, likened to a mystic marriage with Christ through death. Cites extracts from letters from Zinov’eva-Annibal to Zamiatina and Mintslova and from Kuzmin’s diary. See Voloshin, 1989.63; Kupchenko, 1991.21; Voloshin, 1991.43.
3 BRISTOL, EVELYN. A History of Russian Poetry. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 196—99.
The chapter on symbolist idealism includes a section on Ivanov, characterizing his main collections of verse.
4 BRYŚ, GRAŽYNA BOBILEWICZ. “’Motyw kamienia w twórczości Wiaczesława Iwanowa i Mikołaja Rericha” [The motive of stone in the works of Viacheslav Ivanov and Nikolai Roerikh]. Slavia Orientalis (Warsaw) 40, no. 4: 423—37.
In Polish. Reprint of 1991.5 with minor changes and cuts.
5 BRYŚ, GRAŽYNA. “‘Pejzaż kamienny’ w twórczości Wiaczesława Iwanowa i Mikołaja Rericha” [The “stone landscape” in the works of Viacheslav Ivanov and Nikolai Roerikh]. Przegląd humanistyczny (Warsaw), no. 5—6: 61—76.
In Polish. Draws a parallel between the representation and function of stone landscapes in the art of Ivanov and of the painter and poet Nikolai Roerikh. Considers the approaches of both artists in the light of their understanding of myth and in relation to the symbol of Mother-Earth. Reprinted with minor changes: 1991.4.
6 BRYŚ, GRAŽYNA. “Poetycki świat minerałów w twórczości młodszych symbolistów rosyjskich (Wiaczesław Iwanow, Andrzej Bieły, Aleksander Błok)” [The poetic world of minerals in the art of the younger Russian symbolists (Viacheslav Ivanov, Andrei Belyi, Aleksandr Blok)]. Acta Universitatis Wratislaviensis (Wrocław), 1137 (Slavica Wratislaviensia 56), 45—63.
In Polish. Shows through an analysis of mineral images in symbolist poetry that their function is not decorative but evaluative. Finds that Ivanov uses minerals to create a magical, mythological world, Belyi uses them to create an atmosphere of dream, and Blok uses them to create a fairytale atmosphere. Traces the symbolic content of mineral images back to medieval tradition. Finds in them a key to the interpretation of problems linked with the creative process, a means of expression for spiritual and transcendent problems and for the poetics of contrast between the natural and the artificial.
7 BRYŚ, GRAŽYNA. “Wizerunek mistrza: Michał Anioł Buonarroti a ‘reliefowe’ postrzeganie świata w twórczości Wiaczesława Iwanowa” [The portrait of a master: Michelangelo Buonarotti and the “three-dimensional” representation of the world in the art of Viacheslav Ivanov]. In Problemy psychologizmu w literarach wschodniosłowiańskich [Problems of psychologism in Eastern Slavic literatures]. Zielona Góra: Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna im. Tadeusza Kotarbińskiego, 113—25.
In Polish. Considers the influence of Michelangelo’s views, works, and life on the art of Ivanov. Relates the topic to the interest at the turn of the century in the links between different forms of art and to Ivanov’s interest in aesthetics and in the psychology of the creative process. Draws on various poems and essays by Ivanov.
8 DOBROKHOTOV, A. L. “Dve konferentsii” [Two conferences]. Voprosy filosofii, no. 7: 177—79.
In Russian. Summarizes the contents of the papers read at the conference held at Moscow State University in March 1991 to mark the 125th anniversary of Ivanov’s birth.
9 DUDEK, ANDRZEJ. “Idea rosyjska Wiaczesława Iwanowa” [Viacheslav Ivanov’s Russian idea]. Arka (Kraków), no. 5 (35): 40—49.
In Polish. Investigates Ivanov’s idea of Russia and its historical mission with reference to his essays, poems, and “Povesť o Svetomire tsareviche” [The tale of tsarevich Svetomir]. Relates his vision to the ideas of V. Solov’ev and Dostoevskii and to the symbol of Mother-Earth. Concludes with an examination of the significance of his conversion to Catholicism.
10 DUDEK, ANDRZEJ. “Z badań nad rosyjską literaturą religijną: Motyw Matki Boskiej w poezji XIX wieku” [A study of Russian religious literature: The theme of the Virgin Mary in nineteenth century poetry]. In Z badań nad dawną i nową literaturą rosyjską [The study of classical and modern Russian literature]. Edited by Kazimierz Prus. Rzeszów: Wyższa szkoła pedagogiczna w Rzeszowie, 105—46.
In Polish. Within the context of a general survey of the image of the Virgin Mary in nineteenth century Russian poetry, devotes two sections (pp. 122—25, 134—36) to Ivanov’s treatment of the Virgin Mary in his poetry. Considers the image of the Virgin Mary as a hypostasis of the Earth with reference to the poem “Zemlia” [Earth]. Notes the image of the Virgin Mary as an archetype of the mother of God with reference to the poem “Pietà.”
11 EBERT, CH. “Vjačeslav Ivanovs ‘Turm’ — Experiment einer neuen Kulturund Theaterauffassung.” Zeitschrift für Slawistik (Berlin) 36, 2: 160—68.
In German. Examines the tower as a cultural institution in terms of the salon culture of the nineteenth century and the tradition of the Platonic symposium.
Considers Ivanov’s theory of drama, Blok’s “Balaganchik” [The puppet booth], Chulkov’s anthologies Fakely [Torches] and Meierkhol’d’s production of Calderón’s play at the tower in 1910. See Znosko-Borovskii, 1910.19.
12 GONCHAROVA, N., ed. “Pis’ma A. N. Tolstogo k Viach. Ivanovu (1911—1912)” [A. N. Tolstoi’s letters to Viach. Ivanov]. Voprosy literatury, no. 6 (June): 243—49.
In Russian. Publishes the text of six letters from A. N. Tolstoi to Ivanov (1911—1912) with notes and an introductory note on the history of the two writers’ relations from their first meeting in 1906. On 8 February 1911 Tolstoi asks Ivanov to act as an intermediary in a dispute with Verkhovskii. On 4 May 1912 he sends a letter written in the form of a poem.
13 GRANOVSKAIA, L. M. “Esseistika Viach. Ivanova” [Viach. Ivanov’s essays]. Russkaia rech’ (Moscow), no. 1 (January — February): 39—42.
In Russian. Introduces a reprint of Ivanov’s essay of 1918, “Nash iazyk” [Our language] (pp. 43—48). Refers to the history of the essay’s first publication and subsequent reprints. Notes Ivanov’s view of the orthographic reform. See also V., N., 1976.19; Kolerov, 1990.20; Iakovlev, 1991.14.
14 IAKOVLEV, A. A., ed. Vekhi. Iz glubiny [Landmarks. From the depths]. Compiled and edited by A. A. Iakovlev. Notes by M. A. Kolerov, N. S. Plotnikov, and A. Kelly. Prilozhenie k zhurnalu “Voprosy filosofii.” Moscow: Pravda, 354—60, 553—56, 567—69.
In Russian. Reprints Ivanov’s essay of 1918, “Nash iazyk” [Our language] with accompanying notes on the history of its first publication in Iz glubiny [From the depths], on Ivanov’s related writings and projects, and on details of variants in the manuscript text of the essay. Further references to Ivanov in other essays included in the volume can be traced through the index. See also V., N., 1976.19; Kolerov, 1990.20; Granovskaia, 1991.13.
15 ISUPOV, K. G. “Istorizm Bloka i simvolistskaia mifologiia istorii: Vvedenie v problemu” [Blok’s historicism and the symbolist mythology of history: An introduction to the problem]. In Aleksandr Blok: Issledovaniia i materialy [Aleksandr Blok: Investigations and materials]. Edited by Iu. K. Gerasimov, N. Iu. Griakalova, and A. V. Lavrov. Akademiia nauk SSSR, Institut russkoi literatury (Pushkinskii dom). Leningrad: Nauka, 3—21.
In Russian. Analyzes the genesis and typology of Blok’s view of history in relation to the wider context of symbolist culture with particular reference to Ivanov’s approach to history and to the role of of myth and anamnesis. Comments on Blok’s essay on Ivanov (see 1905.3).
16 IVANOV, GEORGII. “Pamiati Viacheslava Ivanova” [In memory of Viacheslav Ivanov]. Literaturnaia gazeta, no. 34 (5360), 28 August, 11.
Reprint of 1949.10, prefaced by a brief note by Irina Bocharova on the 125th anniversary of Ivanov’s birth.
17 IVNEV, RIURIK. “V gostiakh u Viacheslava Ivanova” [A visit to Viacheslav Ivanov]. Vechernii Leningrad (Leningrad), 1 June.
In Russian. Publishes a short memoir by Ivnev, describing his first meeting with Ivanov and Kuzmin at the tower while a student of St. Petersburg University. Ivnev showed Ivanov his first sonnet, and Ivanov told him that he would need to write another hundred sonnets in order to write one proper one. At a later meeting Ivnev showed him some further sonnets. Ivanov picked out one, made an error over its meter, and admitted to his mistake.
18 KOT, JOANNA. “The Dramas of Tadeusz Micinski and Vjaceslav Ivanov: Two experiments in Modern Mystery Plays.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago, 370 pp.
Contrasts and compares Ivanov’s plays to those of Tadeusz Micinski, the Polish symbolist-expressionist.
19 KOTRELEV, NIKOLAI. “Viacheslav Velikolepnyi” [Viacheslav the Magnificent]. Nezavisimaia gazeta, 28 February, 7.
In Russian. An expanded version of 1990.30, reprinting the text of Ivanov’s letter to P. Karpov of 26 November — 1 December 1910, supplemented by the inclusion of Karpov’s letter of 26 November 1910. Also includes a selection of poems by Ivanov and an expanded general introduction (to mark the 125th anniversary of Ivanov’s birth), presenting Ivanov as a paradigm of Russian culture and emphasizing the importance of looking at his full development, including his later works written after emigration in Europe.
20 KOTRELEV, N. “75 let knige: 1916” [A book 75 years old: 1916]. In Pamiatnye knizhnye daty: 1991 [Memorable book dates: 1991]. Moscow: Kniga, 168—70.
In Russian. A note on the significance and history of Ivanov’s “landmark” collection of essays, Borozdy i mezhi [Furrows and boundaries] (1916). Includes personal comments on the fate of books in Soviet Russia. Outlines the harmonious architectonics of the collection and the history of its gestation from the first proposal to E. K. Metner in 1912 to later dealings with V. V. Pashukanis (at his request, given the difficulties of book production during the wartime period, Ivanov removed his articles on Goethe and Novalis from the book).
21 KUPCHENKO, V. P., ed. “Pis’ma M. A. Voloshina k A. M. Petrovoi” [The letters of M. A. Voloshin to A. M. Petrova]. In Maksimilian Voloshin: Iz literaturnogo naslediia [Maksimilian Voloshin: From his literary legacy]. Vol. 1. Compiled and edited by V. E. Bagno, V. P. Kupchenko, A. V. Lavrov, and N.
N. Skatov. Akademiia nauk SSSR, Institut russkoi literatury (Pushkinskii dom). St. Petersburg: Nauka, 5—215.
In Russian. Voloshin’s letters include several references to his relations and conversations with Ivanov between 1904 and 1909 (on pp. 167, 169—70, 181—82, 187, 189—90, 192—96, 200—01, 205, see index). Voloshin reports his conversations with Ivanov in Geneva in 1904 and paraphrases Ivanov’s ideas on Dionysian madness and on the divine dimension of sexual love. Comments on his series of literary portraits (see 1907.20), on Ivanov’s “amazing” collection Eros (see 1906.11), and on his own collection of verse “Ad Rosam,” intended for Ivanov’s “Ory” publishing house. Relates aspects of Ivanov’s affair with Voloshin’s wife, Margarita Sabashnikova, in 1907 and describes his “inner struggle for Viacheslav” (to avoid disliking him) in September 1908. Links this episode to his triangular relationship with E. I. Dmitrieva (Cherubina de Gabriak) and V. N. Vasil’ev in 1909. See also Voloshin, 1989.63, 1991.43; Bogomolov, 1991.2, 1993.8.
22 KUZNETSOVA, O. A., ed. Russkie poety “serebrianogo veka” [Russian poets of the “silver age”] . Vol. 1: Simvolisty [The Symbolists]. Compiled, introduced, and edited by O. A. Kuznetsova. Leningrad: Izdatel’stvo Leningradskogo universiteta, 22—28, 239—68, 423—30.
In Russian. The volume of selected verse by symbolist poets contains a substantial section on Ivanov. The introduction includes a discussion of his contributions to literary debates between 1905 and 1914 within the context of the history of the symbolist movement. A more detailed account of his life and poetic collections (pp. 239—45) precedes the selection of thirty poems (drawn from all his major collections) by which he is represented in the anthology. The poems are followed by detailed notes, clarifying references and textual reminiscences from other sources. See also Gasparov and Koretskaia, 1993.20.
23 LAPPO-DANILEVSKII, K. Iu. “Nauchno-teoreticheskii seminarii ‘Iz istorii otechestvennoi knizhnoi kul’tury,’ posviashchennyi 125-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia Viacheslava Ivanova” [The theoretical academic seminar “On the history of Russian book culture,” dedicated to the 125th anniversary of the birth of Viacheslav Ivanov]. Russkaia literatura, no. 3: 198—200.
In Russian. Summarizes the contents of the ten papers given at the conference on Ivanov held at the Library of the Academy of Sciences in Leningrad (BAN) on 28—29 February 1991. See also L[epekhin], M., 1991.25.
24 LAVROV, A. V. “Marginalii k blokovskim tekstam” [Marginalia to texts by Blok]. In Aleksandr Blok: Issledovaniia i materialy [Aleksandr Blok: Investigations and materials]. Edited by Iu. K. Gerasimov, N. Iu. Griakalova, and A. V. Lavrov. Akademiia nauk SSSR, Institut russkoi literatury (Pushkinskii dom). Leningrad: Nauka, 165—88.
In Russian. The fourth section of this article (“Blokovskaia
‘Neznakomka’ v rasskaze L. D. Zinov’evoi-Annibal” [Blok’s “The stranger” in a story by L. D. Zinov’eva-Annibal], pp. 182—88) considers the portrait of Blok (as Neznakomov) given in Zinov’eva-Annibal’s story “Golova Meduzy” [Medusa’s head] (evidently completed in 1907, first published in 1918) and its close links with Blok’s poem of 1906 “Neznakomka” [The stranger]. Views the story against the background of Blok’s relations with Ivanov and Zinov’eva-Annibal. Relates it to the “masquerade” atmosphere of life at the tower and characterizes it as one of the earliest sources of the literary myth of Blok. See also Nikol’skaia, 1988.50.
25 L[EPEKHIN], M. “Chteniia pamiati Viacheslava Ivanova v Biblioteke Akademii nauk SSSR” [Lectures in memory of Viacheslav Ivanov at the Library of the USSR Academy of Sciences]. Russkaia mysl’ (Paris), no. 3877, 3 May, 14—15.
In Russian. Provides a detailed account of the ten papers given at the conference on Ivanov held at the Library of the Academy of Sciences in Leningrad (BAN) on 28—29 February 1991 to mark the 125th anniversary of Ivanov’s birth. See also Lappo-Danilevskii, 1991.23.
26 LESNEVSKII, ST. “Bashnia Viacheslava Ivanova: K 125-letiiu so dnia rozhdeniia poeta” [The tower of Viacheslav Ivanov. To mark the 125th anniversary of his birth]. Knizhnoe obozrenie (Moscow), no. 30, 26 July, 8—9.
In Russian. Provides a popular account of Ivanov’s life before and after emigration, drawing on several poems for illustration.
27 LOSSKII, N. O. “V. I. Ivanov, N. M. Minskii.” In Istoriia russkoi filosofii [A history of Russian philosophy]. Moscow: Sovetskii pisatel’, 389—90; Moscow: Vysshaia shkola, 428—29.
Two editions of a Russian translation of 1952.7.
28 METS, A. G., Ed. “O. M. Mandel’shtam. ‘skriabin i khristianstvo’” [O. M. Mandel’shtam. “Scriabin and Christianity”] . Russkaia literatura, no. 1: 64—78.
In Russian. Publishes the text of Mandel’shtam’s essay on Scriabin and Christianity and includes a few comments in the introduction and notes (pp. 66, 68—69, 75—77) on points of overlap with Ivanov’s lectures of 1915 and 1916 on Scriabin and with essays from Po zvezdam [By the stars]. Publishes an excerpt from a letter from S. Kablukov to Ivanov of 10 November 1915 asking about Scriabin’s attitude to Christianity at the time of his death. See also Mandelstam, 1979.10; Myl’nikova, 1985.14.
29 MOROZOV, A., ed. “Mandel’shtam v zapisiakh dnevnika S. P. Kablukova” [Mandel’shtam in the notes of the diary of S. P. Kablukov]. Literaturnoe obozrenie (Moscow), no. 1: 77—85.
Reprint of 1979.13 with minor corrections. For a fuller version see Mandel’shtam, 1990.44.
30 NIKOL’sKAIA, T. L. “Grigol Robakidze i Viacheslav Ivanov” [Grigol Robakidze and Viacheslav Ivanov]. In Tezisy dokladov nauchnoi konferentsii “A. Blok i russkii postsimvolizm” [Theses of papers given at the academic conference “A. Blok and Russian postsymbolism”] . Tartu: Tartuskii universitet, 52—55.
In Russian. Considers the links between the work of the Georgian writer Grigol Robakidze (1884—1962) and the aesthetic and philosophical ideas of Ivanov. Mentions Robakidze’s letter to Ivanov of 8 January 1907 requesting an introduction to the tower. Outlines his subsequent essays on Dionysian themes, on Nietzsche and Dostoevskii and comments on the strong influence of Ivanov’s ideas. See also Robakidze, 1914.10, 1915.7.
31 NOSOV, SERGEI. Review of Lidiia Ivanova, Vospominaniia: Kniga ob ottse [Memoirs: A book about my father]. Novyi mir, no. 1 (January): 253—54.
In Russian. A review of Ivanov’s daughter’s memoirs (see Ivanova, 1990.28). Stresses the memoirist’s direct simplicity and eye for detail. See also Pasternak, 1990.50.
32 OGORODNIKOV, B., and ROZIN, P. “Epizod is istorii russkoi poezii 1910-kh godov” [An episode from the history of Russian poetry of the 1910s]. Alma mater (Tartu), no. 3 (5) (January): 3.
In Russian. Publishes a poem by Ivanov and an indirect reply to it in verse from the diary of A. V. Velianson (1892—1916?). In the 1910s Velianson attended Ivanov’s lectures on poetry. His diary entry of 23 January 1914 refers to a conversation on Acmeism with Ivanov on the previous day (when Ivanov gave a lecture on Alcaeus and Sappho). In an eight-line satirical poem, “Kholodnye usta Orfeia...” [The cold lips of Orpheus...], Ivanov cites images from his own verse and touches on symbolist and Acmeist poetics. Velianson’s poem of response is dated 1914.
33 PETROSOV, K. G., ed. “Pis’ma V. I. Ivanova V. A. Merkur’evoi” [V. I. Ivanov’s letters to V. A. Merkur’èva]. Russkaia literatura, no. 1: 176—80.
In Russian. Sketches in the background to the friendship and correspondence of Vera Merkur’eva (1876—1943) and Ivanov. They first met on 22 October 1917 in Moscow; later, Merkur’eva stayed at Ivanov’s flat for a month and also met up with him in Kislovodsk in 1920. Publishes three letters from Ivanov to Merkur’eva, written in Baku on 17 July 1921, 30 November 1921, and 26 December 1922. The letters describe Ivanov’s life in Baku with his children, their illnesses, his literary preoccupations, and feelings for Merkur’eva. Also includes poems by Merkur’eva and her friend A. S. Kochetkov on Ivanov, and details of Ivanov’s inscriptions to Merkur’eva on copies of Kormchie zvezdy [Pilot stars], Cor Ardens, Nezhnaia taina [Tender mystery] and Prometei [Prometheus]. See also Gasparov 1989.22, 1993.19.
34 POTTHOFF, WILFRIED. Dante in Russland: Zur Italienrezeption der russischen Literatur von der Romantik zum Symbolismus. Heidelberg: Carl Winter Universitätsverlag, 467—521, 524—28, 604—09.
In German. Includes a section on Ivanov and Dante in the context of a general survey of the Russian reception of Dante since the early nineteenth century. Considers Ivanov’s approach to Dante in his essays on aesthetics and literary theory, in his poetry, and in relation to his understanding of Goethe and Novalis. Also comments on Ivanov’s translations from Dante. Further references to Ivanov can be traced through the index. See also Davidson, 1982.3, 1983.6, 1984.6, 1986.13, 1989.15; Potthoff, 1985.16; Asoian, 1988.2, 1989.3; Szilard and Barta, 1989.56.
35 PUTNA, MARTIN. “Apollón a Dionýsos u Vjačeslava Ivanova” [Apollo and Dionysus in the works of Viacheslav Ivanov]. Volné sdružení českých rusistů (Prague), no. 7: 46—49.
In Czech. Considers the symbolic functions of Apollo and Dionysus in the works of Ivanov with reference to the source of Nietzsche. Finds Ivanov’s poetry Apollonian and intellectual.
36 SHIROKOV, VIKTOR. “Charodei russkogo stikha” [The enchanter of Russian verse]. In Eros, by Viacheslav Ivanov. “Knizhnye redkosti.” Biblioteka reprintnykh izdanii. Moscow: Kniga, [89—102].
In Russian. Appended as an afterword (unpaginated) to a facsimile reprint of Ivanov’s Eros ( 1907). After a brief biographical outline of Ivanov’s life, offers a general characterization of Eros for the contemporary reader. Describes the collection as the poet’s dialogue with his alter ego or literary double and quotes from Briusov’s review (see 1907.6) and other contemporary critics.
37 SOKOLOV, A. G. Sud’by russkoi literaturnoi emigratsii 1920-kh godov [The fates of writers of the Russian emigration of the 1920s]. Moscow: Izdatel’stvo Moskovskogo universiteta, 58—63 and passim.
In Russian. Includes a section on Ivanov, providing a general review of his literary activities before and after emigration, and comments on his relations with other writers and critics (indexed).
38 STAKHORSKII, S. V., ed. Notes to Predchuvstviia i predvestiia: Sbornik [Premonitions and forebodings: An anthology], by Viacheslav Ivanov. Moscow: Gosudarstvennyi institut teatral’nogo iskusstva, 97—125.
In Russian. The anthology includes thirteen essays by Ivanov on the theatre and the theory of drama, ranging from “Novye maski” [New masks] of 1904 to his essay on Gogol’ and Aristophanes of 1926. The essays are followed by detailed commentaries and by an index of names. Discusses the different
versions of the essays in existence (often three) and explains the editor’s preference for the versions published in Ivanov’s three books of collected essays. The commentaries include materials on the context in which the essays were written, on their relation to other essays by Ivanov and to current debates, and clarify literary, mythological, and historical references. See also Stakhorskii, 1988.60, 1991.39.
39 STAKHORSKII, S. V. Viacheslav Ivanov i russkaia teatral’naia kul’tura nachala XX veka: Lektsii [Viacheslav Ivanov and Russian theatrical culture of the early twentieth century: Lectures]. Moscow: Gosudarstvennyi institut teatral’nogo iskusstva, 101 pp.
In Russian. A series of lectures on various aspects of Ivanov’s theory of the theatre and involvement with theatrical life. Traces the evolution of his views from his early essays on the religion of Dionysus through to his work for the theatrical section of Narkompros (TEO) against the background of early twentieth-century culture. See also Stakhorskii, 1988.60, 1991.38.
40 STEPUN, FEDOR. “Pamiati Viacheslava Ivanova” [In memory of Viacheslav Ivanov]. Literaturnaia gazeta, 28 August, no. 34 (5360), 11.
In Russian. Reprint of 1949.19, prefaced by a brief note by Irina Bocharova on the 125th anniversary of Ivanov’s birth.
41 TERRAS, VICTOR. A History of Russian Literature. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 385, 403—405, 433—35, 499—500, 525.
Includes a section on Ivanov (pp. 433—35) with an overview of his poetry. Comments on its principal themes and on its sources in Greek mythology and Neoplatonic philosophy; distinguishes between his prerevolutionary poetry in which “the subjective element of personal experience... is almost entirely absent” and his later poetry with its greater simplicity. In other sections, links Ivanov’s mystical idealism and theurgic view of art to the ideas of Marxist utopianists (Bogdanov, Gor’kii, Lunacharskii). Analyzes Ivanov’s philosophy of art, as expounded in his essay “O granitsakh iskusstva” [On the boundaries of art] (1914). Singles out his “highly idiosyncratic” articles on Gogol’, Dostoevskii, and Tolstoi as “of seminal importance.” Compares the classical tragedies of Ivanov and Annenskii. Further references to Ivanov can be traced through the index. See also Terras, 1985.22.
42 VENCLOVA, TOMAS. “Viacheslav Ivanov i Osip Mandel’shtam — perevodchiki Petrarki: Na primere soneta CCCXI” [Viacheslav Ivanov and Osip Mandel’shtam — translators of Petrarch: The example of sonnet CCCXI]. Russkaia literatura, no. 4: 192—200.
In Russian. Compares translations by Ivanov and Mandel’shtam of Petrarch’s sonnet on Laura’s death (“Quel rosignuol, che si soave piagne...”). Relates them respectively to two different trends in the Russian tradition of
translation, the subjective Annenskii-Pasternak line and the objective Briusov-Gumilev-Lozinskii line. Notes biographical aspects contributing to the two poets’ interest in Petrarch. Examines the formal structure of Ivanov’s translation (language, rhymes, sounds), and his transformation of Petrarch’s spatial motifs into temporal ones. Mandel’shtam’s translation is much closer to the syntax of the original. See also Fisher, 1915.4; Mureddu, 1981.15, 1984.20; Nelson, 1986.36; Balašov, 1988.3; Tomashevskii, 1989.60.
43 VOLOSHIN, MAKSIMILIAN. Avtobiograficheskaia proza. Dnevniki [Autobiographical prose. Diaries]. Compiled and edited by Z. D. Davydova and V. P. Kupchenko. Iz literaturnogo naslediia. Moscow: Kniga, 200—09, 215, 261—92 and passim.
In Russian. Includes an expanded version of “Istoriia moei dushi” [The story of my soul] with notes, incorporating parts of 1989.63. Additional materials cover Voloshin’s conversations with Ivanov in Geneva in August 1904 on Voloshin’s talent, on the divine dimension of erotic love, and on Dionysus and masks. Entries for 1907 include several references to Mintslova and a description of Voloshin’s visit to Ivanov after Zinov’eva-Annibal’s death. Fewer references to Ivanov occur in entries of 1908 and 1909. See also Bogomolov, 1991.2, 1993.8; Kupchenko, 1991.21.
44 VUJIČIĆ, PETAR. “Podsečanje na jedan stari spor o kulturi” [A reminder of an old debate about culture]. Mogućnosti: Knjizevnost, Umjetnost, Kulturni Problemi (Split, Croatia), 38, no. 8—10 (August — October): 905—10.
In Croatian. Comments briefly on the authors and themes of Perepiska iz dvukh uglov [A correspondence from two corners], following a translation of this work into Croatian, published in the same issue of the journal.
45 WACHTEL, M., ed. “‘Russkii Faust’ Viacheslava Ivanova” [Viacheslav Ivanov’s “Russian Faust”] . Minuvshee: Istoricheskii al’manakh (Paris), no. 12: 265—73.
In Russian. Publishes the text of two scenes from Ivanov’s “Faust,” written in verse and dating from late 1887, accompanied by an introduction and notes. Ivanov’s work is not a translation, but an original Russian version of Goethe’s legend, based more closely on the first part of Goethe’s Faust than on the second part, later preferred by Ivanov. Finds Ivanov’s work more faithful to the spirit of the original than his later interpretations. See also Wachtel, 1990.60
46 WACHTEL, MICHAEL. “The veil of Isis as a Paradigm of Russian Symbolist Mythopoesis.” In The European Foundations of Russian Modernism. Edited by Peter I. Barta in collaboration with Ulrich Goebel. Studies in Slavic Language and Literature, 7. Studies in Russian and German, 4. Lewiston, Queenston and Lampeter: Edwin Meilen, 25—49.
Argues that Ivanov’s use of the symbol of the veil of Isis owes more to
the German romantic tradition, particularly to Schiller and Novalis, than to its Egyptian origins. Comments on the interpretation of the image in Chulkov’s essay “Pokryvalo Izidy” [The veil of Isis] (1908) and in Ivanov’s critical essays and poetry (with reference to the first poem from his sonnet cycle “Spor” [The disputation], the distich “Izida” [Isis] and the seventh sonnet from “Zimnie sonety” [Winter sonnets]).
47 WELLEK, RENÉ. “Vyacheslav Ivanov (1866—1949).” In A History of Modern Criticism: 1750—1950. Vol. 7: German, Russian and East European Criticism, 1900—1950. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 280—92.
Reprint of 1986.56.