1 AKHMATOVA, ANNA. Sochineniia [Works]. Vol. 3. Edited by G. P. Struve, N. A. Struve, and B. A. Filippov. Paris: YMCA-PRESS, 139—41, 153, 163, 165.

In Russian. Contains various materials related to Ivanov. Akhmatova’s outline of a projected book of memoirs includes sections on Ivanov and the tower (first published by Liamkina, 1978.9). A fragment of memoirs “O Viach. Ivanove” [About Viach. Ivanov] suggests that Ivanov in emigration distorted the image of his earlier role at the tower. The ballet libretto of 1962 for “Poema bez geroia” [Poem without a hero] (first published by Liamkina, 1978.9) includes references to Ivanov’s tower and to his appearance at a masquerade as Faust. For an English translation, see Akhmatova, 1992.1. See also Akhmatova, 1986.1, 1989.1, 1989.2.

2 BARANOVA-SHESTOVA, N. Zhizn’ L’va Shestova: Po perepiske i vospominaniiam sovremennlkov [The life of Lev Shestov: From the correspondence and memoirs of his contemporaries]. 2 vols. Paris: La Presse Libre, 1: 88, 90—91, 130, 133, 145—47, 149, 159, 231—32, 239, 267, 269, 277—78, 313; 2: 144, 221, 253, 317.

In Russian. Reprint of 1981.1, including an additional section on Ivanov and the tower, based on the memoirs of Belyi and Berdiaev, and various other scattered references, in part drawn from Shestov’s correspondence with Gershenzon.

3 BERDIAEV, NIKOLAI. Sobranie sochinenii [Collected works]. Vol. 1: Samopoznanie: Opyt filosofskoi avtobiografii [Self-knowledge: An essay in philosophical autobiography]. Second revised and expanded edition. Paris: YMCA-PRESS, 176—81 and passim.

A revised and expanded reprint of 1949.5 with an index.

4 BOSCHIAN, LAURA SATTA. “Il più ‘romano’ dei simbolisti russi.” Il tempo, Year XL, no. 138, 23 May, 3.

In Italian. In connection with the opening of the second international symposium on Ivanov, held at the University of Rome in May 1983, provides a general review of Ivanov’s contribution to culture and return to Rome.

5 CYMBORSKA-LEBODA, MARIA. “Mitotwórczość a degradacja mitu w biografii i w dziele symbolistów rosyjskich” [The creation of myths and the degeneration of myth in the lives and art of the Russian symbolists]. In Wśród mitów teatralnych Młodej Polski [Among the theatrical myths of young Poland]. Edited by Irena Sławińska and Maria Barbara Stykowa. Kraków: Wydawnictwo Literackie, 394—417.

In Polish. Describes the theoretical and philosophical basis of the


Russian symbolists’ concept of myth and its relation to the development of culture. Considers the function of the creation of myth in the lives and art of the Russian symbolists (Vladimir Solov’ev, Blok, Belyi, Ivanov). Comments on the new form of theatre to which these ideas gave rise, and considers works by Bal’mont, Belyi, and Sologub in this context. Concludes that the final result was the demythologization of these myths by Blok and Stravinskii, giving rise to the theatre of play and to the deconstruction of previous myths. A two-page summary in French is appended to the essay. See also Cymborska-Leboda, 1984.5, 1986.11, 1986.12, 1987.3, 1988.14, 1990.14, 1992.5, 1992.6, 1993.11.

6 DAVIDSON, PAMELA. “Vyacheslav Ivanov and Dante: Reflections of a Medieval Tradition in the Poetic Imagination of a Russian Symbolist.” Ph.D. dissertation, University of Oxford, 417 pp.

Considers the way in which Ivanov developed an approach to Dante that was central to his worldview and expressed itself through his poetry, essays, and translations of Dante. The first chapter relates Ivanov’s image of Dante to his understanding of the religion of Dionysus in the light of Nietzsche’s teachings. The second chapter traces the influence of Vladimir Solov’ev’s ideas on the symbolist image of Dante as a poet of Sophia in the works of Blok, Belyi, and Ivanov. The third chapter relates Dantesque images encountered in Ivanov’s verse to his ideal of mystical love and to the events of his life. The fourth chapter gives the text of Ivanov’s unpublished translations from the Vita Nuova, Convivio and Divina Commedia and outlines the history of these projects. For a revised and abridged version, see Davidson, 1989.15. See also Davidson 1982.3, 1984.6, 1986.13; Asoian, 1988.2, 1989.3, 1990.1; Szilard and Barta, 1989.56; Potthoff, 1991.34.

7 FLEISHMAN, L., HUGHES, R., and RAEVSKAIA-HUGHES, O. Russkii Berlin: 1921—1923 [Russian Berlin: 1921—1923]. Paris: YMCA-PRESS, 11, 25, 60, 139, 161, 235, 245, 266, 273, 293—95.

In Russian. Includes several passing references to Ivanov (indexed), culled from materials in the archive of B. I. Nikolaevskii in the Hoover Institute, occurring in letters from Erenburg (see 1922.6), Burliuk, Chulkov, B. P. Belkin, and Chebotarevskaia, and mainly related to the years immediately before Ivanov’s emigration from Russia.

8 FOTIEV, K. “Issledovanie literatury: 24—28 maia 1983 goda, Rim. Simpozium ‘Viacheslav Ivanov i kul’tura ego vremeni’” [Literary research: 24—28 May 1983, Rome. The symposium “Viacheslav Ivanov and the culture of his time”] . Russkaia mysl’ (Paris), no. 3469, 16 June, 13.

In Russian. Provides an account of the second international symposium on Ivanov, held at the University of Rome in May 1983, organized by M. Colucci, D. Ivanov, and R. L. Jackson. Describes the unveiling of a memorial


plaque at Ivanov’s last home in Rome, and the Pope’s reception of the conference participants in the Vatican.

9 GOLUBKINA, A. S. Pis’ma. Neskol’ko slov o remesle skul’ptora. Vospominaniia sovremennikov [Letters. A few comments on the sculptor’s craft. Reminiscences of contemporaries]. Introduction by E. B. Murina. Compiled and annotated by N. A. Korovich. Moscow: Sovetskii khudozhnik, 96—97, 288—90, 386.

In Russian. Contains several comments on Ivanov (indexed), related to A. S. Golubkina who sculpted a bust of Ivanov in 1914 and executed a cameo portrait of him (dated 1922—1923); both works are reproduced in the book. Publishes a letter of 11 May 1914 from Ern to his wife, in which Ern relates his meeting with Golubkina at Ivanov’s home, describes her bust of Ivanov as a work of “Beethoven-like strength” and “titanic sweep,” and rejoices at Golubkina’s plan to sculpt a bust of him as well. In a letter of May — June 1924 Golubkina mentions Ivanov passing through Moscow on his way abroad.

10 GRAHAM, SHEELAGH. “Unpublished Letters from Gumilyov to Bryusov, 1906—07.” Slavonic and East European Review 61, no. 4 (October): 583—93.

Publishes Gumilev’s letter of 30 October 1906 to Briusov (pp. 586—87) with comments related to specific poems by Ivanov on his use of meter in Prozrachnost’ [Transparency], following Briusov’s earlier recommendation that Gumilev should study Ivanov to improve his own technique. Gumilev also hints at his desire to meet Ivanov and Voloshin through Briusov. Reprinted with notes: 1986.20. For other letters from Gumilev to Briusov, see Gumilev, 1980.5.

11 IVANOVA, LIDIIA. “Vospominaniia o Viacheslave Ivanove” [Memoirs of Viacheslav Ivanov]. Novyi zhurnal (New York), no. 150 (March): 130—59.

In Russian. Describes Ivanov’s life in Baku from November 1920 to May 1924, his teaching, students, and circle of friends. Publishes the text of part of his operetta libretto, “Liubov’ — Mirazh?” [Love — a mirage?]. Records the details of Ivanov’s final months in Moscow before his departure for Italy in August 1924, including details of his contribution to the Pushkin celebrations and developing friendship with Ol’ga Shor. Reprinted with minor changes, an introduction, and notes: 1990.28. For other installments of these memoirs, see Ivanova, 1982.6, 1987.10.

12 IVANOV, DIMITRI. “Le message libérateur de Dostoevski selon Viatcheslav Ivanov.” In Dostoevski. Compiled by Jacques Catteau and Jacques Rolland. Les Cahiers de La nuit surveillée, 2. [Lagrasse]: Editions Verdier, 135—40.

In French. Discusses Ivanov’s interpretation of Dostoevskii’s message of self-transcendence in relation to the figure of Raskol’nikov in Crime and Punishment. Relates the metaphysical problems of Dostoevskii’s characters,


locked in a closed circle of immanence, to the worlds inhabited by the characters of Kafka, Sartre, Camus, and Beckett. Ivanov recognized in Dostoevskii the source of human ills. The cure lies in the recognition of the other in the self, achieved through love, as demonstrated by Raskol’nikov and Sonia. See also Ivanov, 1982.7.

13 IVASK, IURII. Review of Sobranie sochinenii [Collected works], Vol. 3. Russian Language Journal (East Lansing, MI), 37, nos. 126—127: 255—59.

In Russian. Reviews the third volume of the collected works (1979). Comments favorably on the poet’s Chelovek [Man], on his defense of culture in Perepiska iz dvukh uglov [A correspondence from two corners], on his poems on Rome and essays. See also Ivask, 1973.7, 1976.6.

14 [JOHN PAUL II]. “Ivanov et la culture de son temps: Discours aux participants d’un symposium international.” La Documentation catholique (Paris), no. 1859, 2 October, 880—81.

In French. Reprint of 1983.15.

15 [JOHN PAUL II]. “L’anima slava, radicata nella fede in Cristo, appartiene all’Oriente e all’Occidente.” L’Osservatore Romano (Vatican City), no. 123 (37.313), 29 May, 1,3.

In Italian and French. Brief introductory comments (in Italian) precede the text of the speech (in French) given by Pope John Paul II on 28 May 1983 to the participants of the second international symposium on Ivanov, held at the University of Rome in May 1983. The speech emphasizes the importance of Ivanov as a figure who through his conversion to Catholicism unifies East and West and bridges the gap between the two churches, thereby contributing to the vital task of reconstituting the spiritual unity of humanity. Reprinted: 1983.14, 1983.16, 1986.32 (in part). For a Russian translation, see 1983.17.

16 [JOHN PAUL II]. “L’homme, icône de Dieu, est celui qui dit oui à Dieu.” L’Osservatore Romano (Vatican City), no. 23 (1747), 7 June, 1, 4.

In French. Reprint of 1983.15 in the French edition of the Vatican newspaper.

17 [JOHN PAUL II], “Papa Ioann-Pavel II o Viach. Ivanove: Rech’ Papy Ioanna-Pavla II na audientsii, dannoi uchastnikam mezhdunarodnogo simpoziuma ‘Viach. Ivanov i kul’tura ego vremeni.”’ [Pope John Paul II on Viach. Ivanov: The speech of Pope John Paul II at an audience granted to the participants of the international symposium “Viach. Ivanov and the culture of his time”] . Translated by D. Skalon. Novyi zhurnal (New York), no. 153 (December): 116—19.

In Russian. A Russian translation of 1983.15. Reprinted: 1987.11.


18 KOTRELEV, NIKOLAJ V. “I ‘giovani simbolisti’ e il simbolo: Per una impostazione del problema.” Translated from Russian by Angela Dioletta Siclari. In Il paese altro: Presenze orientali nella cultura tedesca moderna. Edited by Maria Enrica D’Agostini. Preface by Giorgio Cusatelli. Naples: Bibliopolis, 247—64.

In Italian. Analyzes the theory of the symbol developed by the religious symbolists with particular reference to Belyi, Ivanov, and Blok. Relates Ivanov’s ideas to contemporary European writers and critics and to Losev’s work on the symbol (1976.11). Concludes that the symbolists’ attempt to transform symbol into myth and art into religion was a failure, the art of religious symbolism turned into mannerism or aestheticism.

19 LAVROV, A. V., and TIMENCHIK, R. D. “Innokentii Annenskii v neizdannykh vospominaniiakh” [Innokentii Annenskii in unpublished memoirs]. In Pamiatniki kul’tury: Novye otkrytiia. Pis’mennost’. Iskusstvo. Arkheologiia. Ezhegodnik 1981 [Monuments of culture: New discoveries. Writing. Art. Archaeology. Year-book for 1981]. Leningrad: Nauka, 61—146.

In Russian. Includes passing references to Ivanov in relation to Annenskii, mainly occurring in the memoirs of V. Krivich and often related to Apollon (pp. 63, 66, 68, 96—97, 123, 126, 140—41). See also Lavrov, 1978.8; Annenskii, 1979.1.

20 MALCOVATI, FAUSTO, ed. Mostra bio-bibliografica: Vjačeslav Ivanov e la cultura del suo tempo. Università di Roma “La Sapienza”; Assessorato alla Cultura del Comune di Roma; Società di studi Ivanoviani “Convivium.” Rome: n.p., 31 pp.

In Italian. The catalogue of an exhibition held at the Biblioteca Nazionale Vittorio Emmanuele II, 22 May — 5 June 1983, to coincide with the second international symposium on Ivanov convened at the University of Rome in May 1983. The exhibition was divided into two parts: a photographic “itinerary” of Ivanov’s life (people and places) and a bibliographical section, consisting of both published and unpublished works. The catalogue includes an introductory note on the structure and contents of the exhibition, a chronology of Ivanov’s life, biographical materials drawn from various memoirs corresponding to the different panels of the exhibition, a bibliographical listing of the works displayed, and photographs.

21 MALCOVATI, FAUSTO. Vjačeslav Ivanov: Estetica e filosofia. Pubblicazioni della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell’Università di Pavia, 31. Florence: La Nuova Italia Editrice, 99 pp.

In Italian. Consists of four chapters: an outline of Ivanov’s life, an account of his view of symbol and memory, an investigation of his ideas on the theatre of the past and the future, and a review of the philosophical sources of his aesthetics. The investigation of Ivanov’s aesthetic thought is conducted


through a study of his key essays, ranging from 1904 to 1936, and emphasizes the internal coherence of his system. The chapter on philosophical sources considers Perepiska iz dvukh uglov [A correspondence from two corners], and relates Ivanov’s thought to Saint Augustine, Plotinus, Pascal, Spinoza, Schelling, Nietzsche, and V. Solov’ev. The core of the work is preceded by an introduction and followed by a bibliography of works by and about Ivanov. For an adapted version of the chapter on the theatre, see Malcovati, 1984.18, 1986.33 (abridged, in English). See also Malcovati, 1982.14.

22 MOCHULSKY, KONSTANTIN. Aleksandr Blok. Translated by Doris V. Johnson. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 109—10, 136, 153—54, 183, 186, 260, 263, 267, 277, 293, 295, 309.

Translation of 1948.7 with an index.

23 MURATOVA, K. D., ed. Istoriia russkoi literatury [A history of Russian literature]. Edited by N. I. Prutskov. Vol. 4, Literatura kontsa XIX — nachala XX veka (1881—1917) [Late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century literature (1881—1917], edited by K. D. Muratova. Leningrad: Nauka, 441, 444—45, 448—51, 453—60.

In Russian. Includes several references (indexed) to Ivanov, occurring mainly in chapter 13 on symbolism, written by A. L. Grigor’ev and S. S. Grechishkin. Discusses Ivanov’s response to Nietzsche and Wagner, the doctrine of mystical anarchism and Ivanov’s poem “Tikhaia volia” [Quiet freedom] (1905), the fate of the symbolists’ utopian ideas, the symbolist view of the theatre, the debate over the crisis of symbolism conducted on the pages of Apollon in 1910, and the nature of the symbol and the significance of myth for the symbolists. Also comments on Ivanov’s archaisms and use of epigraphs.

24 POTTHOFF, WILFRIED. “Zum Begriff des ‘überzeitlichen Symbolismus’: Am Beispiel der russischen Literatur.” In Obdobje simbolizma v slovenskem jeziku, književnosti in kulturi: Tipološka problematika ob jugoslovanskem in širšem evropskem kontekstu [The symbolist period in Slovene language, literature and culture: Typological problematics in the Yugoslav and wider European context]. Vol. 2. Edited by Franc Zadravec. Ljubljana: n.p., 185—96.

In German. Relates the concept of a “symbolism of all times” in Russian symbolist poetics back to its sources in English writers and in the literary criticism of Western European romanticism with particular reference to the brothers Schlegel, Carlyle, Ruskin, and Z. Vengerova.

25 SABASHNIKOV, M. V. Vospominaniia [Memoirs]. Introduction by E. I. Osetrova. Edited by V. G. Utkov. Moscow: Kniga, 292, 296, 300. Reprint. 1988.

In Russian. Includes brief references to Ivanov’s projected translation of Aeschylus for the Sabashnikov brothers’ publishing house. Comments on the


plan to commission him to translate Aeschylus; Sabashnikov was persuaded by Zelinskii to agree to this, despite his considerable misgivings. Mentions Ivanov’s translation of the Oresteia and the final collapse of the project after his departure abroad. See also Panina, 1972.15; Davidson, 1982.3; Kotrelev, 1990.31.

26 TERRAS, VICTOR. “The Aesthetic Categories of Ascent and Descent in the Poetry of Vjačeslav Ivanov.” In Russian Poetics. Edited by Thomas Eekman and Dean S. Worth. Proceedings of the International Colloquium at UCLA, September 22—26, 1975. UCLA Slavic Studies, 4. Columbus, OH: Slavica, 393—408.

Discusses the polarity of ascent and descent and its focal role in Ivanov’s philosophy of art and poetry. Describes Ivanov’s understanding of art as a reformulation or repetition of the Neoplatonic philosophy of art found in Plotinus. Links the categories of ascent and descent to the laws of self-preservation and self-destruction and to the dichotomy of poet and artist. Investigates various manifestations of the polarity in the verse of Svet vechernii [Vespertine light], selected as “artistically the finest of Ivanov’s collections.” Comments on the prevalence of “elementary imagery” (air, water, earth and fire) in this collection, on the dynamic aspect of its imagery (“movement proceeds on a vertical axis”), and on its central concern with the “attitudes and movements of the soul.” Regards these prevailing traits as “expressions of a psychic reality,” and applies Bachelard’s phenomenology of imagination to Ivanov’s poetry. Concludes that ascent and descent are “true aesthetic categories, highly relevant to a description of the deep structure of his poetry,” and reflecting inner movements of the soul. The notes include a breakdown of recurrent images in the poems of Svet vechernii. The discussion that followed the paper is appended to it. See also Terras, 1984.26, 1986.51, 1990.58.

27 TIMENCHIK, ROMAN. “V artisticheskom kabare ‘Brodiachaia sobaka’: K stoletiiu so dnia rozhdeniia A. N. Tolstogo” [In the artists’ cabaret ‘The stray dog’: To mark the centenary of A. N. Tolstoi’s birth]. Daugava (Riga), no. 1 (67) (January): 120—22.

In Russian. Reprints an epigram by A. N. Tolstoi, occasioned by Ivanov’s beard catching fire when frying an omelette, and comments on the incorporation of this episode into Tolstoi’s unfinished novel “Egor Abozov” (1915).

28 WELLEK, RENÉ. “Vjatscheslav Ivanovs Schriften über Dostojewskij.” In Dostoevskij und die Literatur: Vorträge zum 100. Todesjahr des Dichters auf der 3. internationalen Tagung des “Slavenkomitees” in München 12.—14. Oktober 1981. Edited by Hans Rothe. Schriften des Komitees der Bundesrepublik Deutschland zur Förderung der Slawischen Studien, 7. Cologne and Vienna: Böhlau, 264—74.

In German. Comments on Ivanov’s reading of Dostoevskii in his essays


of 1911, 1914, and 1917, and finds evidence of excessive distortion in his tendency to interpret allegorically episodes from the major novels in the light of his own religious views. Reprinted in an English version: 1986.56.