1 BEL’KIND, E. L. “Teoriia i psikhologiia tvorchestva v neopublikovannom kurse lektsii Viach. Ivanova v Bakinskom gos. universitete (1921—1922 gg.)” [The theory and psychology of artistic creation in an unpublished course of lectures given by Viach. Ivanov at Baku state university (1921—1922)]. In Psikhologiia protsessov khudozhestvennogo tvorchestva [The psychology of the processes of artistic creation]. Edited by B. S. Meilakh and N. A. Khrenov. Leningrad: Nauka, 208—14.
In Russian. Introduces and outlines the synopsis of the course of lectures on poetics given by Ivanov at the University of Baku in 1921—1922, as recorded in the notes of O. Ter-Grigorian (a manuscript of 175 pages held in the archive of V. A. Manuilov). Assesses the significance of Ivanov’s lectures in the history of the psychology of creative work. Summarizes the main topics covered in the lectures: a definition of the subject of poetics, a critical assessment of formalist poetics, and an account of the stages of the creative process from the initial intuition through to its final expression. Defines the task of the poet as critic of his own work, and some of the difficulties facing him in his creative writing. For a further study of these lectures, see Tamarchenko, 1986.50.
2 BLOK, A. “O sovremennom sostoianii russkogo simvolizma” [On the contemporary state of Russian literature]. In O literature [On literature]. With an introductory essay by D. E. Maksimov. Compiled and edited by T. N. Bedniakovaia. Moscow: Khudozhestvennaia literatura, 204—14, 331—34.
In Russian. Reprint of 1910.5, followed by notes on the text, the biographical background, the relation of Blok’s essay to Ivanov’s “Zavety simvolizma” [The precepts of symbolism] (1910), and the polemical responses of Briusov (1910.6), Belyi (1910.3), Gorodetskii (1910.10), and Merezhkovskii (1910.15). Reprinted: 1989.9.
3 CHUKOVSKAIA, LIDIIA. Zapiski ob Anne Akhmatovoi [Notes on Anna Akhmatova]. Vol. 2: 1952—1962. Paris: YMCA-PRESS, 381, 451—52.
In Russian. Chukovskaia reports two conversations with Akhmatova on Ivanov. The entry of 28 January 1961 notes Akhmatova showing her her note on Ivanov’s role in spreading false rumors abroad about her debt to Kuzmin (published by Ozerov, 1963.11]. The entry of 30 October 1962 records Chukovskaia telling Akhmatova about her feeling of boredom when trying to read Ivanov (a copy of Svet vechernii [Vespertine light] (1962) had been sent to K. Chukovskii by Bowra), and her sense that his verse consists only of empty exercises in versification. Akhmatova responded that this was not always the case, read out two sonnets by Ivanov from an Italian anthology, commented on the false views held abroad of Ivanov’s influence on symbolism and her own literary career, and mentioned her plan to write a memoir about Ivanov and the tower (never written but outlined in Liamkina, 1978.9). For the first volume of these memoirs, see Chukovskaia, 1976.2.
4 ENISHERLOV, V. Aleksandr Blok: Shtrikhi sud’by [Aleksandr Blok: Details of a fate]. Moscow: Sovremennik, 208—09.
In Russian. Singles out Blok’s review of Ivanov’s Prozrachnost’ [Transparency] (1904.2) as an example of the lasting value and interest of his early reviews. Comments on the relaxed tone and “inner freedom” of the review, on Blok’s perceptive grasp of the unique features and limitations of Ivanov’s talent, and on the links between the review and Blok’s later poem addressed to Ivanov.
5 GUMILEV, N. S. Neizdannye stikhi i pis’ma [Unpublished poems and letters]. Paris: YMCA-PRESS, 8, 25, 48, 52, 55—56, 60—61, 65—66, 69, 120.
In Russian. Gumilev’s letters to Briusov contain several references between 1907 and 1910 to Ivanov’s influence on him as a teacher of verse and ideologue of symbolism. Refers to his meetings with the “Queen of Sheba” (Briusov’s term for Ivanov), whose “Dionysiac heresy” he has resisted, mentions that he has only just begun to understand verse after hearing Ivanov’s lectures on poetry, expresses his indignation over Ivanov’s review of Zhemchuga [Pearls] (Apollon, 1910, no. 7 [April]:38—42, second pagination) and his agreement with Briusov’s critical response (1910.6) to Ivanov’s essay of 1910, “Zavety simvolizma” [The precepts of symbolism]. Also comments favourably on Ivanov’s “Venok sonetov” [Crown of sonnets] in a letter to Kuzmin of 1909. See also Graham, 1983.10; Gumilev, 1986.20.
6 IVANOV, DIMITRII [Iwanow, Dmitrij]. Obituary of Ol’ga Aleksandrovna Shor. Translated into German by Erich Franz Sommer. Castrum Peregrini, no. 143—44:107—10.
In German. A translation of 1978.3, followed by a brief afterword (pp. 110—111) on Shor (Deschartes), mentioning the publication of a chapter from Ivanov’s book of 1923 on Dionysus in Castrum Peregini 1961, no. 48, pp. 7—32.
7 IVANOV, DIMITRI. “Un’amicizia: E. Lo Gatto e V. Ivanov.” In Studi in onore di Ettore Lo Gatto. Edited by Antonella d’Amelia. Rome: Bulzoni editore, 99-105.
In Italian. Describes Ivanov’s life and work in Rome, his friendship with A. Caffi, and the gatherings at the home of Angelo Signorelli and Ol’ga Resnevič where he first met Lo Gatto. Comments on his high regard for Lo Gatto’s translation of Evgenii Onegin (first published in 1937 with a preface by Ivanov). Notes the relevance of his essays “Forma formans e forma formata” and “Lermontov,” both commissioned by Lo Gatto, to an understanding of his view of Sophia and “Povest’ o Svetomire tsareviche” [The tale of tsarevich Svetomir]. See also Lo Gatto, 1966.7, 1976.10.
8 LAPSHINA, N. P. “‘"Mir iskusstva’” [“World of art”] . In Russkaia khudozhestvennaia kul’tura kontsa XIX - nachala XX veka (1908-1917). Book 4. Edited by A. D. Alekseev et al. Moscow: Nauka, 79-99.
In Russian. A revised version of 1977.3 with an index. Discusses Somov’s portrait of 1906 of Ivanov, his miniature portrait of Ivanov of 1907, his frontispiece to Cor Ardens and the links between his portrait of Blok and Ivanov’s poem to Blok of 1909 (pp. 81, 89-90, 92, 95-96).
9 NAGY, ISTVÁN. “Az orosz szimbolizmus irodalomszemlélete” [The understanding of literature in Russian symbolism]. Helikon (Budapest), no. 3-4:211-26.
In Hungarian. Considers Ivanov’s views on symbolist aesthetics in the context of contemporary literary attitudes. The issue of the journal is devoted entirely to symbolism and includes translations into Hungarian from four essays by Ivanov on symbolist theory (pp. 296-302, 310-15, 316-17, 318-19).
10 ORLOV, VLADIMIR. Hamayun: The Life of Alexander Blok. Translated by Olga Shartse. Moscow: Progress Publishers, 136-416, 266-67, 278-83.
An English translation (with changes) of 1978.14.
11 ORLOV, VL., ed. Aleksandr Blok v vospominaniiakh sovremennikov [Aleksandr Blok in the memoirs of contemporaries]. Seriia literaturnykh pamiatnikov. Vol. 1. Moscow: Khudozhestvennaia literatura, passim.
In Russian. Includes reprints of memoirs by Belyi (1922.4), Gorodetskii (1922.8), and Verigina (1961.7) with notes. Further passing references to Ivanov in other memoirs can be traced through the index in vol. 2 (see Orlov, 1981.16).
12 PYMAN, A. The Life of Aleksandr Blok. Vol. 2: The Release of Harmony: 1908-1921. Oxford: Oxford University Press, passim.
Numerous references to various aspects of Blok’s relations with Ivanov
can be traced through the index. These include a discussion of Blok’s essay (1910.5) in support of Ivanov’s “Zavety simvolizma” [The precepts of symbolism] (1910), comments on Blok’s estrangement from Ivanov in 1911—1912 with reference to the journal Trudy i dni, and an account of Ivanov’s negative response to Blok’s reading of “Vozmezdie” [Retribution]. See Pyman, 1979.17.
13 RODNIANSKAIA, I. B. “Viach. I. Ivanov. Svoboda i tragicheskaia zhizn’: Issledovanie o Dostoevskom” [Viach. I. Ivanov. Freedom and the tragic life: A study of Dostoevskii]. In Dostoevskii: Materialy i issledovaniia [Dostoevskii: Materials and studies]. Vol. 4. Edited by G. M. Fridlender. Leningrad: Nauka, 218—38.
In Russian. Provides a detailed summary and analysis of the contents of Ivanov’s book on Dostoevskii in the English edition of 1952 (based on the German book of 1932, incorporating earlier Russian essays). Considers Ivanov’s comparison of Dostoevskii and Dante in the context of his interpretation of Dostoevskii’s religious views. The appendix traces the relation of the English book to Ivanov’s earlier Russian articles, noting the various changes of emphasis and interpretation made by the author for publication in book form. See Bowra, 1952.2.
14 S[TAMMLER], H. A. “Ivanov, Vyacheslav Ivanovich.” In Columbia Dictionary of Modern European Literature. Second edition, revised and enlarged. Edited by Jean-Albert Bédé and William B. Edgerton. New York: Columbia University Press, 396—97.
A brief entry on Ivanov’s poetry, theoretical writings and posthumous works.
15 STEPHAN, VIOLA. Studien zum Drama des Russischen Symbolismus. Slawische Sprachen und Literaturen, 15. Frankfurt on Main: Peter D. Lang, 14—21, 84—98, 116—22, 124—27.
In German. Within the context of a comparative study of symbolist dramas, includes sections on Ivanov’s theory of drama as developed in his essays. Emphasizes the centrality of his views for the development of Russian symbolist theatre. Analyzes his tragedy “Tantal” [Tantalus], demonstrating his original and syncretic use of myth. Notes the irony of the disparity between his claim that drama served as the expression of the national soul and the inaccessible complexity of his tragedy.
16 TIAPKOV, S. Russkie simvolisty v literaturnykh parodiiakh sovremennikov: Uchebnoe posobie [The Russian symbolists in the literary parodies of their contemporaries: A textbook]. Edited by P. V. Kupriianovskii. Ivanovo: Ivanovskii gosudarstvennyi universitet, 79.
In Russian. Provides bibliographical lists of parodies of Ivanov (by six
authors) and Zinov’eva-Annibal (by three authors). See also Gabrilovich, 1907.11; Izmailov, 1910.13, 1915.5; Morozov, 1960.6; Plotkin, 1960.7.
17 UDONOVA, Z. V. “Tvorcheskii metod realizma v interpretatsii russkikh simvolistov” [The creative method of realism in the interpretation of the Russian symbolists]. In Problemy khudozhestvennogo metoda i stilia v russkoi literature XIX veka (II polovina): Sbornik nauchnykh trudov” [Problems of artistic method and style in Russian literature of the nineteenth century (the second half): A collection of essays]. Moscow: Moskovskii gosudarstvennyi zaochnyi pedagogicheskii institut, 24—39.
In Russian. Concludes a survey of symbolist approaches to realism with a discussion of Ivanov’s theory of realist symbolism (pp. 35—38), contrasted with Belyi’s views.