1 BIALIK, B. A., TAGER, E. B., and SHCHERBINA, V. R., eds. Russkaia literatura kontsa XIX — nachala XX v.: 1901—1907 [Russian literature of the late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century: 1901—1907]. Moscow: Nauka, passim.
In Russian. Chapter six, “Simvolizm” [Symbolism], by B. V. Mikhailovskii, is a reprint with minor changes of 1969.7 (based on 1939.1),
and includes a discussion of Ivanov. The section “Letopis’ literaturnykh sobytii” [A chronicle of literary events] (1901—1904, prepared by V. V. Keldysh; 1905—1907, by V. A. Maksimov) provides a year by year, month by month account of literary publications and reviews with numerous references to Ivanov’s publications and to responses to them in the periodical press. References to Ivanov can be traced through the index. For the next volume, see Bialik, 1972.4.
2 GOLENISHCHEV-KUTUZOV, I. N. Tvorchestvo Dante i mirovaia kul’tura [The works of Dante and world culture]. Edited by I. V. Golenishcheva-Kutuzova and V. M. Zhirmunskii. Moscow: Nauka, 235, 467—68, 479, 482—83, 484.
In Russian. The chapter on Dante in Russia includes references to Ivanov’s interest in Dante, shared with Briusov and Blok. The author records Ivanov reading his translation of a canto from the Divina Commedia during their meetings in Rome (in the late 1920s). Traces of Ivanov’s and Blok’s discussions of Dante can be found in Blok’s essay on Ivanov (1905.3) and poetic address to him of 1912. See also Davidson, 1984.6.
3 IVANOV, D. V., and DESCHARTES, O., eds. Sobranie sochinenii [Collected works], by Viacheslav Ivanov. Vol. 1. Brussels: Foyer Oriental Chrétien, 872 pp.
In Russian. The first volume of Ivanov’s collected works (planned in six volumes; for volumes 2—4 see 1974.1, 1979.8, 1987.11) includes the collections Kormchie zvezdy [Pilot stars], Prozrachnost’ [Transparency] and Mladenchestvo [Infancy], five early essays of 1904—1905, and the first publication of the text of “Povest’ o Svetomire tsareviche” [The tale of tsarevich Svetomir]. These are preceded by Ol’ga Deschartes’s substantial “Vvedenie” [Introduction] and followed by her “Posleslovie” [Afterword] and “Primechaniia” [Notes] (pp. 5—227, 843—65). The introduction traces Ivanov’s spiritual development and relates his literary works to the circumstances of his life. The afterword outlines the organization and textual principles governing the edition. The notes to the introduction provide sources and further information; notes to the texts record details of earlier publications and clarify references within the text. For earlier essays on Ivanov’s biography and literary work, see Deschartes, 1932.4, 1933.5, 1954.1, 1957.1, 1962.3.
4 LEONG, ALBERT. “The ‘Zimnie sonety’ of Vjacheslav Ivanov.” Pacific Coast Philology (Northbridge, CA) 6: 43—49.
Analyzes the cycle “Zimnie sonety” [Winter sonnets], composed by Ivanov in 1919—1920, first published in 1920, and subsequently included in 1954.1 and in Svet vechernii [Vespertine light] (1962). Considers the sound effects, language, formal characteristics, images, and symbols of the cycle as
a whole, and then provides an interpretation of each sonnet in turn. See also Davidson, 1993.13.
5 Literaturnoe nasledstvo [Literary heritage]. Edited by V. R. Shcherbina. Vol. 80: V. I. Lenin i A. V. Lunacharskii: Perepiska. Doklady. Dokumenty [V. I. Lenin and A. V. Lunacharskii: Correspondence. Lectures. Documents]. Edited by I. S. Zil’bershtein and A. A. Solov’ev. Moscow: Nauka, xlii—xliii, 188—89, 207—08, 211.
In Russian. Publishes an incomplete copy of a letter from Lunacharskii to Ivanov, describing his unsuccessful attempt to enlist the help of Lenin in obtaining funds to finance Ivanov’s trip abroad (June 1920). In a letter of 28 July 1920 to Lenin, Lunacharskii defends Bal’mont against an allegation of anti-Soviet behaviour, and renews his request for support of his longstanding attempt to enable Ivanov to travel abroad with his ill wife, arguing that Ivanov is “much more restrained and consistent” than Bal’mont, and can be relied on to keep his promise with regard to the Soviet Union if allowed abroad.
6 LO GATTO, ETTORE. Russi in Italia: Dal secolo XVII ad oggi. Rome: Editori Riuniti, 279—84.
In Italian. The chapter on twentieth-century Russian poets and Italy includes a section on Ivanov’s links with Italy. Discusses and quotes (in Italian translation) from “Rimskie sonety” [Roman sonnets] and “Rimskii dnevnik” [Roman diary], set in the context of Ivanov’s life in Rome.
7 MANDEL’sHTAM, OSIP. Sobranie sochinenii v trekh tomakh [Collected works in three volumes]. Edited by G. P. Struve and B. A. Filippov. Vol. 2: Proza [Prose]. Introductory essay by B. A. Filippov. Second edition, revised and expanded. New York: Inter-Language Literary Associates, 228, 230, 257, 343, 485—91, 678—80.
In Russian. Reprint of 1923.9 (“Buria i natisk” [Storm and stress]) and 1955.4 (“Vypad” [The slump], “O prirode slova” [On the nature of the word]), followed by notes, variants, and bibliographical references. This volume, a revised and expanded edition of 1966.8, contains one major new item of importance: nine letters and postcards of 1909—1911 from Mandel’shtam to Ivanov, followed by notes (pp. 485—91, 678—80). The letters include comments on Ivanov’s collection of essays Po zvezdam [By the stars] and poetic system, and enclose the author’s poems for Ivanov’s comments (the text of these poems is not included). For other editions of Mandel’shtam’s collected prose, see Mandel’shtam, 1955.4, 1966.8, 1987.17. For other editions of Mandel’shtam’s letters to Ivanov, see Morozov, 1973.8 and Mandel’shtam, 1990.44. For an English translation of the essays and letters to Ivanov, see Mandelstam, 1979.10. On the letters to Ivanov and accompanying poems, see Brown, 1973.3.
8 MANDELSTAM, NADEZHDA. Hope Against Hope: A Memoir. Translated by Max Hayward with an Introduction by Clarence Brown. London: Collins & Harvill, 154, 163—64, 263.
An English translation of 1970.4.
9 MICKIEWICZ, DENIS. “Apollo and Modernist Poetics.” Russian Literature Triquarterly, no. 1: 226—61.
Includes reference to the role played by Ivanov in the foundation of the journal Apollon and at the meetings of its society, the Poetic Academy. Comments on the lectures he read at meetings of the Poetic Academy, “Zavety simvolizma” [The precepts of symbolism] (1910) and “Mysli o simvolizme” [Thoughts on symbolism] (1912), on his essay on Annenskii (1910), and on reviews of Kuzmin, Voloshin, and Gumilev in Apollon (1910). Describes the formation of the Musaget publishing house and the journal Trudy i dni. Reprinted: 1975.9. See also Mickiewicz, 1992.13.
10 ORLOV, VL. “Istoriia odnoi ‘druzhby-vrazhdy’” [The history of a “friendship-enmity”] . In Puti i sud’by: Literaturnye ocherki [Paths and fates: Literary essays]. Leningrad: Sovetskii pisatel’, 507—635.
Reprint from 1940.3 (with minor changes) and 1963.10.
11 STACY, ROBERT H. “The poetry of Vjačeslav Ivanov: Some Critical Comments.” In Symbolae in honorem Georgii Y. Shevelov. Edited by William E. Harkins, Olexa Horbatsch, and Jacob P. Hursky. Ukrainian Free University, Faculty of Philosophy, 7. Munich: Logos, 383—90.
Criticizes Ivanov’s verse for its absence of the “willingness to entertain or tolerate uncertainties,” and for its rhetorical conceits and technical virtuosity. To illustrate his “particular virtues,” analyzes three poems, “Attika i Galileia” [Attica and Galilee], “Na bashne” [At the tower], and “Ulov” [The catch], all from Cor Ardens: part 1. Concludes that “the poet’s religious and metaphysical preoccupations... militated against the best that he had to offer as a poet.” See also Stacy, 1965.7.
12 WEST, J. D. Introduction to Borozdy i mezhi [Furrows and boundaries]. Rarity Reprints 24. Letchworth, Herts: Bradda Books, [pp. i—iv].
Comments on Ivanov’s essays and the sources of his aesthetics. Reprinted in 1971.13 with a different concluding paragraph.
13 WEST, J. D. Introduction to Po zvezdam [By the stars]. Rarity Reprints 25. Letchworth, Herts: Bradda Books, [pp. i—iv].
As 1971.12 with a different concluding paragraph on the collection reprinted.