1 CHARNYI, M. B. “Zhrets bashni iz slonovoi kosti” [The priest of the ivory tower]. In Ushedshie gody: Vospominaniia i ocherki. O Lenine, Gor’kom, Lunacharskom, Maiakovskom, Al. Tolstom, Fadeeve, Arteme Veselom, Iurii Oleshe, Evgenii Petrove, Fedore Panferove, Viktore Kine, Lebedeve-Kumache [Bygone years: Reminiscences and essays. On Lenin, Gor’kii, Lunacharskii, Maiakovskii, Al. Tolstoi, Fadeev, Artem Veselyi, Iurii Olesha, Evgenii Petrov, Fedor Panferov, Viktor Kin, Lebedev-Kumach]. Moscow: Sovetskii pisatel’, 404—13.
Reprint of 1966.2 with minor changes (as 1967.3).
2 FITZPATRICK, SHEILA. The Commissariat of Enlightenment: Soviet Organization of Education and the Arts under Lunacharsky. October 1917—1921. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 131, 133, 136, 143, 152, 302.
Contains a few brief references to Ivanov’s involvement with Lunacharskii and Narkompros in the postrevolutionary period. Documents Lunacharskii’s attempts to secure permission for Ivanov to travel abroad and to the Northern Caucasus. Notes Ivanov’s contributions to TEO (the theatrical department of Narkompros), LITO (its literary department), and his poem to Ol’ga Kameneva upon her departure from TEO in July 1919.
3 FOSTER, LIUDMILA A. Bibliografia russkoi zarubezhnoi literatury: 1918—1968 [Bibliography of Russian literature published abroad: 1918—1968]. 2 vols. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1: 561—63.
In Russian and English. Lists writings by Ivanov published in Russian
émigré journals, collections, and books. References to Ivanov in the works of other writers can be traced through the name index. See also Gladkova, 1988.25.
4 MANDEL’sHTAM, NADEZHDA. Vospominaniia [Memoirs]. New York: Izdatel’stvo imeni Chekhova, 161, 171, 282.
In Russian. Includes a few brief references to Ivanov. Notes the hostile reception accorded to the Acmeists in his circle, his comment about ideas no longer ruling the world in 1921 in Baku (where the Mandel’shtams visited him on their way to Georgia), and the difference between the symbolists’ and the Acmeists’ attitude to ordinary life as material for poetry. Reprinted: 1989.46. For an English translation, see Mandel’shtam, 1971.8. See also Mandel’shtam, 1972.13.
5 WEST, JAMES. Russian Symbolism: A study of Vyacheslav Ivanov and the Russian symbolist aesthetic. London: Methuen, 257 pp.
Investigates the theory of art of the symbolist movement in its post-1904 mature phase and the central question of the representation of reality in art. Combines exposition with analysis and draws parallels with Western aesthetic theories. Places Ivanov at the center of the study as the author of the most elaborate theory of art among the symbolists. Comprises three chapters. “The Nineteenth-Century Heritage” provides a selective overview of the Russian tradition of aesthetics from Belinskii to V. Solov’ev, slanted toward the questions most central to their successors. “Vyacheslav Ivanov’s Philosophy of Art” opens with a paraphrase of his essay “Dve stikhii v sovremennom simvolizme” [Two elemental forces in contemporary symbolism] (1908) and continues to survey his key concerns with the relation of art to the theory of knowledge, to communication and to reality. “The Symbolist Debate” deals with some of the main issues discussed by the symbolists: the relationship of art to life, individualism, collectivism, mystical anarchism, the theatre, and symbolism as a form of attaining and communicating knowledge. The conclusion relates the symbolist aesthetic back to the philosophy of Solov’ev and considers the connection between poetry and belief. A bibliography, including a section on works on Ivanov, and index are appended.