1 ALIANSKII, S. M. “Vstrechi s Blokom: Iz zapisok izdatelia” [Meetings with Blok: From the notes of a publisher]. Novyi mir, no. 6 (June): 159—206.

In Russian. A section of these memoirs entitled “Znakomstvo s


Andreem Belym i Viacheslavom Ivanovym” [Meetings with Andrei Belyi and Viacheslav Ivanov] (pp. 170—74) describes Alianskii’s visit to Ivanov in Moscow in 1918 to secure permission to publish a work by him under the imprint of his publishing house, Alkonost. Armed with a copy of Blok’s Solov’inyi sad [Garden of nightingales] (published by Alkonost in July 1918) inscribed at his request by Blok to Ivanov, Alianskii arrived at Ivanov’s flat and underwent an “interrogation” on the subject of his political views (“‘Have you come to paint me red?’”). Ivanov challenged him to publish his cycle “Pesni smutnogo vremeni” [Songs of a time of troubles], but on the following day changed his mind and instead offered him Mladenchestvo [Infancy] (St. Petersburg: Alkonost, 1918). Includes comments on Ivanov’s and Blok’s relations up until their break at the time of the publication of Dvenadtsat’ [The twelve] in 1918. Reprinted: 1969.1.

2 BAKCSI, GYÖRGY. “Vjacseszlav Ivanov.” In Orosz századforduló: Az orosz irodalom 1890 és 1917 között [The turn of the century in Russia: Russian literature between 1890 and 1917], Budapest: Gondolat, 90—93.

In Hungarian. Outlines Ivanov’s contribution as a philosopher and theoretician of symbolism, and the role of his salon at the tower. Cites a few examples of his verse in Hungarian translation, and singles out his mastery of the sonnet.

3 CHARNYI, MARK. “Zhrets bashni iz slonovoi kosti” [The priest of the ivory tower]. In Ushedshie gody: Vospominaniia i ocherki. O Lenine, Gor’kom, Lunacharskom, Maiakovskom, Al. Tolstom, Fadeeve, Arteme Veselom, Iurii Oleshe, Evgenii Petrove, Fedore Panferove, Viktore Kine [Bygone years: Reminiscences and essays. On Lenin, Gor’kii, Lunacharskii, Maiakovskii, Al. Tolstoi, Fadeev, Artem Veselyi, Iurii Olesha, Evgenii Petrov, Fedor Panferov, Viktor Kin]. Moscow: Sovetskii pisatel’, 345—54.

Reprint of 1966.2 with minor changes.

4 HOLTHUSEN, JOHANNES. Preface to Prozrachnost’: Vtoraia kniga liriki [Transparency: A second book of lyric verse]. Slavische Propyläen, 30. Munich: Wilhelm Fink, v—xii.

In German. Introduces a facsimile reprint of the original edition of 1904. Provides biographical information, discusses Ivanov’s worldview and concept of the symbol, and comments on the language and form of his collection with reference to specific poems. Notes his position as a poet-scholar and the difficulty of his work.

5 KHLODOVSKII, R. I. “Blok i Dante: K probleme literaturnykh sviazei” [Blok and Dante: On the problem of literary links]. In Dante i vsemirnaia literatura [Dante and world literature]. Edited by N. I. Balashov, I. N. Golenishchev-Kutuzov, and A. D. Mikhailov. Moscow: Nauka, 176—248.


In Russian. Includes passing references to Ivanov’s translations of Dante and allusions to him in Kormchie zvezdy [Pilot stars] by way of background to Blok’s treatment of Dante (mainly on pp. 187—90; see index for further references).

6 PUTNAM, GEORGE F. “Viacheslav Ivanov on the Historical Role of the Symbolist Poet.” Southern Review (Baton Rouge) 3, no. 1 (Winter): 85—95.

Sets symbolist views of the writer’s relation to society in the context of the nineteenth-century tradition. Relates Ivanov to Chaadaev, Dostoevskii, and Solov’ev, and discusses Ivanov’s view of the estrangement of the Russian writer from the people and ideal of “sobornost’” [communality]. Comments on Chulkov’s vulgarization of Ivanov’s ideas in 1906—1907, resulting in the doctrine of mystical anarchism. Sees Ivanov’s views as essentially Slavophile, reflecting the dilemna of resisting the nineteenth-century tradition of civic art while wishing to assign a social role to the artist.

7 ŠPIDLÍK, T. “Un facteur d’union: la poésie. Viacheslaf Ivanoff (1866—1949. In memoriam.” Orientalia Christiana Periodica (Rome) 33, no. 1: 130—38.

In French. A centenary article, published in the journal of Ponteficio Istituto Orientale, drawing on the earlier work of Tyszkiewicz (1950.6) and Schultze (1947.3, 1950.4, 1950.5). Includes biographical information relating to the period when Ivanov was teaching Church Slavonic at the institute (1936—1943) following the recommendation of Pius XI. Comments on Ivanov’s return to the source of sacred texts, including the Philocalia. Stresses his conversion to Catholicism, his sense of poetry as the unifying factor of his life, and the link between poetic and sacred language.

8 TARANOVSKII, K. F. “Pchely i osy v poezii Mandel’shtama: K voprosu o vliianii Vjacheslava Ivanova na Mandel’shtama” [Bees and wasps in the poetry of Mandel’shtam: On the question of Viacheslav Ivanov’s influence on Mandel’ shtam]. In To Honor Roman Jakobson: Essays on the Occasion of his Seventieth Birthday 11 October 1966. 3 vols. Vol. 3. The Hague and Paris: Mouton, 1973—1995.

In Russian. Analyzes two poems by Mandel’shtam, “Na kamennykh otrogakh Pierii...” [On the stony spurs of Pieria... ] (1919) and “Voz’mi na radost’ iz moikh ladonei…” [Take for pleasure from my palms…] (1920), identifying in them textual reminiscences from Ivanov’s translations of Alcaeus and Sappho, as well as from poems in Prozrachnost’ [Transparency], Cor Ardens and Nezhnaia taina [Tender mystery]. Discusses both poets’ use of images of cicadas, bees and roses, sun and honey. See Taranovskii’s supplementary note to this essay (1969.11). For a fuller English-language version of both the essay and the supplementary note, see 1976.18. See also Levinton, 1977.4.