1 BERDYAEV, NICOLAS. Dream and Reality: An essay in autobiography. Translated from the Russian by Katharine Lampert. London: Geoffrey Bles, 156—62 and passim.
English translation of 1949.5. References to Ivanov can be traced through the index.
2 POGGIOLI, RENATO. “A Correspondence from Opposite Corners.” In Perspectives of Criticism. Edited by Harry Levin. Harvard Studies in Comparative Literature, 20. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 223—48.
An admiring but critical analysis of the correspondence, written before Ivanov’s death. Outlines the background to the work and its two authors’ biographies. Compares Gershenzon to Herzen and Ivanov to the German poet Stefan George. Investigates their debate “by means of a logical rather than a critical résumé,” quoting several passages. The dialogue reaches an end when Ivanov finds there is no meeting ground between his “humanism and mysticism” and Gershenzon’s “anarchic utopianism and cultural nihilism.” Poggioli tries to extract from the text “valid conclusions for the present manifestations of the same crisis, still torturing the West and the world.” Sees Ivanov’s “sin of spiritual and cultural idolatry” as leading to an essential indifference “to the tragedy of history, to the social condition of man.” “The real theme of the Correspondence is not the antinomy of realism and nominalism, but the antithesis of two ideals: the humanistic and the humanitarian.” Concludes with an attempt to relate the position of both writers to the needs of the present age. Looks for a synthesis of the “vertical line of humanism” and the “horizontal line of humanitarianism.” For an Italian version see 1950.3. Reprinted with minor stylistic emendations and fewer notes: 1957.6.
3 POGGIOLI, RENATO. “Corrispondenza da un angolo all’altro.” Inventario (Florence), Year III (Spring): 1—20.
In Italian. An Italian version of 1950.2.
4 SCHULTZE, BERNHARD. “Der Schüler Solowjows: Erinnerungen an Wjatscheslaw Iwanow.” Wort und Wahrheit (Vienna), no. 6 (June): 445—50.
In German. Combines memoirs of numerous meetings with Ivanov during the period of his teaching at Ponteficio Istituto Orientale in Rome with an account of his ideas and relation to the philosophy of V. Solov’ev and concept of Sophia. Schultze first met Ivanov at a lecture by Friedrich Muckermann on 15 March 1936 (see 1930.12). Comments on his book (1949.15), a copy of which was dedicated to Ivanov. Recalls Ivanov’s sharp critique of a lecture given by Schultze on Solov’ev and Sophia. Records a meeting with Sergei Trubetskoi in 1949 at which Ivanov and his position as a Christian were discussed. The same issue also contains an essay by Tyszkiewicz (1950.6) and a German translation of four of the “Rimskie sonety” [Roman sonnets] (pp. 443—44).
5 SCHULTZE, BERNHARD. “Vjačeslav Ivanovič Ivanov (1866—1949).” In Russische Denker: Ihre Stellung zu Christus, Kirche und Papsttum. Vienna: Thomas — Morus — Presse im Verlag Herder, 421—35.
A German translation of 1949.15 (based on 1947.3) with minor changes. Other references to Ivanov can be traced through the index.
6 TYSZKIEWICZ, S. “L’ascension spirituelle de Wenceslas Ivanov.” Nouvelle Revue Théologique (Tournai and Paris) 72, no. 10 (December): 1050—62.
In French. Tyszkiewicz (1887—1962), a Jesuit living in Rome since 1931 and professor at the Ponteficio Collegio Russicum, combines a discussion of Ivanov’s religious path to Catholicism with personal memoirs of their meetings. Includes a summary of a conversation with him about V. Solov’ev’s attitude to Catholicism and an account of his spiritual interests in his last years. For a German translation, see 1950.7.
7 TYSZKIEWICZ, S. “Orthodoxie und Humanismus: Wjatscheslaw Iwanows Weg nach Rom.” Wort und Wahrheit (Vienna), Year 5, no. 6 (June): 431—42.
A German translation of 1950.6. The same issue contains an essay by Schultze (1950.4) and a German translation of four of the “Roman sonnets” (pp. 443—44).