1 ADAMOVICH, GEORGII. “Viacheslav Ivanov: Po povodu ego konchiny” [Viacheslav Ivanov: On his death]. Russkie novosti (Paris), no. 218, 5 August, 3.

In Russian. An obituary essay on Ivanov, based partly on personal memories, assessing his legacy to future generations. The charm of his personality was greater than his literary standing. Dwells on his oratorical talent and his role as a teacher, far superior to that of Briusov or Gumilev. Disagrees


with the use of the word “erudition” in an earlier obituary (B. “Konchina Viacheslava Ivanova” [The death of Viacheslav Ivanov]. Russkie novosti [Paris], no. 217, 29 July 1949, 5), prefers to write of Ivanov’s “gift of insight into eras close to his mind and heart.” He was not a Greek in the Pushkinian sense, but a scholar of the German type with close links to Goethe. A lack of tragic “razlad” [discord] limited his greatness as a poet, although he was never “bookish.” His final legacy derives more from the powerful impression of his personality, from his essays, and from Perepiska iz dvukh uglov [A correspondence from two corners]. Reprinted with minor changes and a few additions: 1955.1. See also Rannit, 1964.4.

2 ALEKSANDROVA, V. “V. I. Ivanov v otklikakh sovremennikov” [V. I. Ivanov in the responses of his contemporaries]. Novoe russkoe slovo (New York), no. 13624, 14 August, 8.

In Russian. Considers various views of Ivanov in the poems, memoirs, and essays of his contemporaries. Cites Blok’s poem of 1912, essays by Shestov (1916.16), Belyi (1922.1), Stepun (1936.5), and the memoirs of Kuz’mina-Karavaeva (1936.4). Concludes by praising the portrait of Ivanov and his Wednesday gatherings given by Ol’ga Forsh in her novel. Published alongside Galich (1949.8).

3 Announcement of Ivanov’s death and funeral. Il Messaggero (Rome), no. 198, 18 July, 4.

In Italian. Ivanov died on 16 July at 3:00 p.m. The funeral will take place on Tuesday 19 July, 8:45 a.m., at the church of Sant’ Antonio, Piazza Santa Maria Maggiore.

4 BERBEROVA, N. “Pamiati Viacheslava Ivanova” [In memory of Viacheslav Ivanov]. Russkaia mysl’ (Paris), no. 159, 3 August, 5.

In Russian. An obituary article on Ivanov, stressing the need to rescue the lost legacy of his poetry from oblivion.

5 BERDIAEV, NIKOLAI. Samopoznanie: Opyt filosofskoi avtobiografii [Self-knowledge: An essay in philosophical autobiography]. Paris: YMCA-PRESS, 165—71 and passim.

In Russian. Portrays Ivanov as a person who wished to be in harmony with his environment, and states that his constant changes of views were the source of Berdiaev’s conflicts with him, leading to the parting of their ways after the revolution. Regards him as a brilliant essayist, but a difficult, erudite poet, inferior to Blok. Recalls the Wednesday gatherings: “His talent for friendship was linked with despotism, with a craving to possess souls.” Relates a mystic seance, organized one evening by Ivanov at the flat of Minskii, and the later meetings of the Religious-Philosophical Society in Moscow. Comments on Ivanov’s regard for the verse of Berdiaev’s wife,


Lidiia; on his work for the journal Voprosy zhizni; on his friendship with E. Gertsyk; on his interest in occultism and the influence of Anna Mintslova, particularly after the death of Zinov’eva-Annibal. Recalls Ivanov’s musical appreciation of Berdiaev’s book Smysl tvorchestva [The meaning of art]. Reprinted in revised, expanded editions: 1983.3; 1991.1. For an English translation see 1950.1. For Akhmatova’s response to Berdiaev ’ s portrait of Ivanov, see Timenchik, 1989.59.

6 BUNIN, IVAN. “Pis’mo Viacheslava Ivanova” [A letter by Viacheslav Ivanov]. Novoe russkoe slovo (New York), no. 13645, 4 September, 3.

In Russian. A brief explanatory note by Bunin follows the publication of Ivanov’s last letter to him, dated 26 December 1937, reviewing the book of poems by G. N. Kuznetsova, Olivkovyi sad [The olive garden] (Paris, 1937), sent to him by Bunin. Bunin publishes the letter after Ivanov’s death, commenting that it is characteristic of him as a poet. Ivanov comments on Kuznetsova’s mastery of “zvukovaia forma” [sound form], the main ingredient of true poetry.

7 “Dr. Viacheslav Ivanov.” New York Times, 28 July, 23.

A brief notice of Ivanov’s death and review of his main works.

8 GABRILOVICH, L. E. [Leonid Galich]. “O Viacheslave Ivanove” [On Viacheslav Ivanov]. Novoe russkoe slovo (New York), no. 13624, 14 August, 8.

In Russian. An obituary article that sets Ivanov in the context of early twentieth-century modernism, with references to Chulkov, Sologub, Merezhkovskii, and others. Refers to the standard criticism of excessive scholarliness leveled at Kormchie zvezdy [Pilot stars], contrasted with Galich’s own early praise for the collection. Pushkin’s view that poetry should be “somewhat stupid” has been misunderstood; Ivanov’s verse is characterized by “bogosluzhebnaia napriazhennost’ and torzhestvennost’ “ [liturgical intensity and majesty]. Comments on the influence on Ivanov of Nietzsche’s work on the birth of tragedy. Published alongside Aleksandrova (1949.2).

9 IVANOV, DIMITRII. [J. Neuvecelle]. Afterword to Briefwechsel zwischen zwei Zimmerwinkel, by Wjatscheslaw Iwanow and Michael Gerschenson. Revised and authorized translation. Vienna: Thomas Morus Presse, Verlag Herder, 117—26.

In German. This new edition of the German translation of Perepiska iz dvukh uglov [A correspondence from two corners] replaces the previous afterword by N. von Bubnoff (see 1946.2 and 1948.1) with a new one by Ivanov’s son, written after Ivanov’s death. Conveys the opposing views in the correspondence from a philosophical perspective and emphasizes their relevance to modernity. The text of the correspondence is followed by Ivanov’s letters to Charles Du Bos and Alessandro Pellegrini.


10 IVANOV, GEORGII. “Pamiati Viacheslava Ivanova: II”  [In memory of Viacheslav Ivanov: II]. Vozrozhdenie (Paris), no. 5 (September — October): 164—65.

In Russian. Ivanov occupies first place as founder and theoretician of the symbolist movement, but only a secondary place as a poet. He was a victim of the false aspirations of the movement that perished in 1910 from an “elaborate, very Russian poison.” He represents the “outer brilliance” and “inner emptiness” of symbolism. Little will remain of his writing or of his most important characteristic, his “great personal charm.” Printed immediately after Stepun’s obituary essay (1949.19). Reprinted: 1987.12; 1991.16.

11 KOVALEVSKII, P. “Myslitel’ — Tvorets mifov: O Viacheslave Ivanove” [A thinker — creator of myths: On Viacheslav Ivanov]. Russkaia mysl’ (Paris), no. 161, 10 August, 5.

In Russian. An obituary article on Ivanov, reviewing his literary career in Russia before emigration. Names Verkhovskii, Piast, Mandel’shtam, and Khlebnikov as his pupils. Concludes by emphasizing the significance of his spiritual role in the prerevolutionary decades in Russia.

12 MIRSKY, D. S. “Vyacheslav Ivanov.” In A History of Russian Literature. Comprising A History of Russian Literature and Contemporary Russian Literature. Edited and abridged by Francis J. Whitfield. London: Routledge, 448—51.

Reprint of 1926.2. Several other references to Ivanov in sections on other writers can be traced through the index.

13 M. P. “La morte a Roma del poeta russo Ivanov.” Il tempo (Rome), no. 199, 19 July, 3.

In Italian. One of the first obituary articles to appear on Ivanov. Considers his life and works from the point of view of Rome, dwelling on his translations of Dante and Petrarch and conversion to Catholicism.

14 POGGIOLI, RENATO. “Vènceslao Ivanov.” In Il fiore del verso russo, n.p.: Einaudi, 55—57, 181—86.

In Italian. The introduction includes a section on Ivanov (pp. 55—57), who is represented in the anthology by three poems translated into Italian by Poggioli (“La Menade,” “Da lungi,” “Sonetti invernali: I,” pp. 183—86), followed by a biobibliographic note (pp. 187—89). The introductory section dwells on Ivanov’s debt to Nietzsche, V. Solov’ev, Dante, Goethe, Aeschylus, Pindar, Petrarch, and Novalis. Comments on the hermetic qualities of his verse, and his use of classical and Church Slavonic archaisms, the structure of Chelovek [Man], his preference for dithyrambic lyrics, odes, or hymns. His


fusion of earthly and heavenly Eros recalls Briusov and Stefan George. Withholds judgment on the success of his attempts to reconcile religion and culture, Judaism and Hellenism in Perepiska iz dvukh uglov [A correspondence from two corners]. Regards “Zimnie sonety” [Winter sonnets] as his supreme poetic achievement. Reprinted with minor amendments and additions: 1961.6. For an expanded version in English see Poggioli, 1960.8.

15 SCHULTZE, BERNARDO. “Ivanov.” In Pensatori russi di fronte a Cristo: Saggi sul loro atteggiamento verso Cristo, la Chiesa e il Papa. Biblioteca dell’Oriente Cristiano. Vol. 2 and 3. Florence: Mazza, 253—73.

Reprint of 1947.3 with minor changes. For a German translation see 1950.5.

16 S.I.C.O. “Venceslao Ivanoff.” L’Osservatore romano (Cittá del Vaticano), no. 220, 22 September, 3.

In Italian. An obituary article in the official newspaper of the Vatican. Describes Ivanov’s funeral in the Byzantine church of Sant’ Antonio, attached to the Ponteficio Collegio Russicum and the Ponteficio Istituto Orientale. Several former pupils of Ivanov were present. Quotes the text written by Ivanov for his conversion to Catholicism in 1926, and his record of his feelings afterward (now being able to breathe with two lungs instead of just one, from his letter of 1930 to Charles Du Bos). Includes memoirs of Ivanov’s teaching, arranged by Pius XI at the Ponteficio Collegio Russicum and the Ponteficio Istituto Orientale, and of his work on the preparation of liturgical works in the last years of his life.

17 SIGNORELLI, OLGA RESNEVIC. “Ricordo di Venceslao Ivanov.” Il Giornale della Sera (Rome), no. 187, 6 August, 3.

In Italian. An obituary article by the translator of Perepiska iz dvukh uglov [A correspondence from two corners] into Italian (1932). Describes coming to pay her last respects to Ivanov on the evening of his death. Ivanov lay on a bed in his study, surrounded by white, red, and yellow flowers, a rosary in his hands resting on his chest. Portrays his son, Dimitrii, full of “austere serenity,” his daughter, Lidiia, dressed in black, praying at the foot of a bed, a figure of Antigone, Ol’ga Shor, the “guardian angel” of the home, and a grey cat. At 3:00 p.m. Ivanov tapped his heart, sighed “che peso,” and expired. A final benediction was spoken by a priest. Concludes with an outline of Ivanov’s life.

18 SIGNORELLI, O. R. “Venceslao Ivanov.” La fiera letteraria (Rome), Year IV, no. 32, 7 August, 1—2.

In Italian. An obituary article by Olga Resnevic Signorelli, the translator of Perepiska iz dvukh uglov [A correspondence from two corners] into


Italian (1932). Describes Ivanov’s death, “toccandosi il cuore,” and reviews his life and writings up until his conversion to Catholicism.

19 STEPUN, F. “Pamiati Viacheslava Ivanova: I” [In memory of Viacheslav Ivanov: I]. Vozrozhdenie (Paris), no. 5, 162—64.

In Russian. Considers the “sociology of fame” and suggests that only those who live according to the rhythm of their era become famous in their lifetime; this was not the case with Ivanov. Defends Ivanov from those who fail to recognize in him a true and inspired poet. His profound theory of religious symbolism influenced Berdiaev’s theory of knowledge and the philosophical constructs of Jung’s theory of psychoanalysis, as indicated by E. Metner. Printed immediately before Ivanov’s obituary essay (1949.10). Incorporates various elements of 1936.5 in condensed form. Reprinted: 1991.40.

20 TERAPIANO, Iu. “Viacheslav Ivanov.” Novoe russkoe slovo (New York), no. 13631, 21 August, 8.

In Russian. Evokes Ivanov’s appearance and manner at the tower. Praises his work on the religion of Dionysus, and comments on the excessively abstract preoccupations of his verse. Includes reminiscences of Merezhkovskii’s view of Ivanov’s conversion to Catholicism. A section is incorporated in Terapiano, 1966.19.

21 “Venceslas Ivanov est mort à Rome.” Combat (Paris), no. 1577, 30—31 July, 2.

In French. A brief announcement of Ivanov’s death and review of his works. His best-known work in France is Perepiska iz dvukh uglov [A correspondence from two corners].

22 ZAITSEV, BOR[IS]. “Italia: ‘Vnov’ v Rime’” [Italy: Once more in Rome]. Russkaia mysl’ (Paris), no. 166, 26 August, 4—5.

In Russian. Describes a brief visit to Ivanov at home on Easter Friday 1949 after a separation of thirty years. Evokes Ivanov’s appearance and elevated, brilliant conversation, notes his comments on his unfinished “poema” [long poem], “Povest’ o Svetomire tsareviche” [The tale of tsarevich Svetomir]. An adapted version of this article was incorporated into Zaitsev’s later memoir of Ivanov (1963.14).