1 ANDOR, JUHÁSZ. “‘Az örök müvészet örök szimbolizmusa’ “ [The eternal symbolism of eternal art]. Magyar Hirlap (Budapest), 14 June, 28.

In Hungarian. Relates the contents of an interview conducted with Ivanov at his home in Rome in June 1936. Topics covered include Mommsen, Nietzsche, Dostoevskii, Tolstoi, and French and Russian symbolism.


2 BLOK, ALEKSANDR. “O sovremennom sostoianii russkogo simvolizma” [On the contemporary state of Russian symbolism]. In Sobranie sochinenii [Collected works]. Vol. 9: Stat’i. 1903—1921 [Essays. 1903—1921]. Leningrad: Sovetskii pisatel’, 76—87.

Reprint of 1910.5.

3 KHODASEVICH, VLADISLAV. “Knigi i liudi: Sovremennye zapiski, kn. 62-ia” [Books and people: Sovremennye zapiski, no. 62]. Vozrozhdenie (Paris), no. 4058, 25 December, 9.

In Russian. A review of the issue of Sovremennye zapiski (no. 62), which published Ivanov’s cycle “Rimskie sonety” [Roman sonnets] (pp. 178—83). Hails the cycle as a literary event. Dwells on the poet’s erudition and his intimate feeling for history. More notes are needed to elucidate his verse; although intellectual it is never didactic and always combines thought with feeling, in the manner which Pushkin described as characteristic of Baratynskii. Ivanov’s archaic features result not from his thoughts being out of date, but from Russian poetry having regrettably lost touch with the tradition of poetry of thought.

4 KUZ’MINA-KARAVAEVA, E. Iu. [Mon(akhinia) Mariia]. “Vstrechi s Blokom: K piatnadtsatiletiiu so dnia smerti” [Meetings with Blok: On the fifteenth anniversary of his death]. Sovremennye zapiski (Paris), no. 62: 211—28.

In Russian. A section of these memoirs of Blok concerns Ivanov (pp. 215—22). The author describes her visits with her husband to Ivanov’s tower in 1910, finds the atmosphere unsettling, like “intoxication without wine.” Ranges St. Petersburg, Ivanov’s tower, culture, and reaction on one side, Christ, Blok, and the Russian people on the other. Notes Blok’s response to Akhmatova’s first poetry reading at the tower. Recounts her subsequent visits in the company of Sof’ia Tolstaia to Ivanov in Moscow after autumn 1913, her growing sense of hostility toward his values and attempted confrontation of him. Records a visit on 26 November 1913 at which Borodaevskii related his recent visit to Germany and impressions of Rudolph Steiner and Ivanov listened attentively, inquiring after Belyi and Voloshin. Recalls her inner protest, linked in her mind with a struggle for Blok. Reprinted with an introduction by Maksimov and notes by Mints: 1968.8; with notes by Orlov: 1981.16. See also Maksimov, 1975.8.

5 STEPUN, FEDOR. “Viacheslav Ivanov.” Sovremennye zapiski (Paris), no. 62: 229—46.

In Russian. A revised version of the German essay (1934.4). Some sections have been omitted or abridged, others have been added. More space is devoted to Stepun’s criticism of Ivanov’s utopian ideas; a comparison of Ivanov to Belyi and Blok is also introduced. “Rimskie sonety” [Roman sonnets] are published in the same issue (pp. 178—83). Some of the points from


this article are repeated in condensed form in Stepun’s obituary essay on Ivanov (1949.19). Reprinted: 1962.9, 1989.54, 1990.57.

6 “Wjatscheslaw. Iwanow.” Der Gral: Monatsschrift für Dichtung und Leben (Münster), Year 30, no. 8, (May): 358—61.

In German. Comments that Ivanov is one of the great minds of the time, although little known. Discusses his varied talents, noting that he is by nature a poet, who even in his scholarly work “speaks in parables.” Emphasizes that he is always interested in showing the common cultural ground of both occident and orient. Investigates the question of the developments that led him to Roman Catholicism, quoting from his letter to Du Bos.