1 BLOK, ALEKSANDR. O literature [On literature]. Edited and with an introductory essay and notes by V. V. Gol’tsev. Preface by P. S. Kogan. Moscow: Federatsiia, 33—45, 228—39, 315—16, 325—26.
Reprint of 1905.3 and 1910.5 with notes. Further miscellaneous references to Ivanov in Blok’s writings can be traced through the index.
2 D[U] B[OS], C[HARLES]. “Avertissement.” In Correspondance d’un coin à l’autre, by V. Ivanov and M. O. Gerschenson. Précédée d’une Introduction de G. Marcel et suivie d’une Lettre de V. Ivanov à Ch. Du Bos. Traduction du Russe par Hélène Isvolski et Ch. Du Bos. Paris: Editions Roberto A. Corrêa, 25—29.
Reprint of 1930.3. For a reprint of the French translation of the correspondence without the preliminary note by Du Bos but with the addition of a preface by Deschartes (a French translation of the Italian edition’s introduction of 1932.4), see Deschartes, 1979.5. For materials related to this translation, see Iswolsky, 1985.4; Malcovati, 1986.32.
3 KÜFFERLE, RINALDO. “Un poeta russo ospite dell’Italia: Visita a Venceslao Ivanov.” Corriere della Sera (Milan), no. 167, 15 July, 3.
In Italian. Combines a general review of Ivanov’s life and works with a personal account of a visit to him in Pavia at the Collegio Borromeo. Küfferle was accompanied on his journey from Milan by a philosopher friend. In 1932 he published translations into Italian of poems by Ivanov in the journal Il Frontespizio (Florence), (April): 8, and in 1946 an Italian translation of Ivanov’s long philosophical poem Chelovek [Man]. See Küfferle, 1946.4 and Malcovati, 1986.32, 1989.45.
4 MARCEL, GABRIEL. “Introduction.” In Correspondance d’un coin à l’autre, by V. Ivanov and M. O. Gerschenson. Précédée d’une Introduction de G. Marcel et suivie d’une Lettre de V. Ivanov à Ch. Du Bos. Traduction du Russe par Hélène Isvolski et Ch. Du Bos. Paris: Editions Roberto A. Corrêa, 9—23.
In French. An introduction to the publication in book form of the French translation of Perepiska iz dvukh uglov [A correspondence from two corners], first printed in Vigile (1930). Compares the correspondence to a musical cantata for two voices that draw out and complement each other. Paraphrases the views expressed in the exchange, emphasizing throughout the theme of the individual’s relation to religion. Ivanov’s universe is compared to a spiritual landscape with more dimensions than that of Gershenzon. See also Marcel, 1931.5.
5 MARCEL, GABRIEL. Review of Vigile, no. 4. La Nouvelle Revue Française (Paris) 36, no. 212 (May): 788—90.
In French. Review of the issue of Vigile that carried the French translation of Perepiska iz dvukh uglov [A correspondence from two corners] (1930). The review focuses on two important texts in the issue, the first of which is Ivanov’s correspondence with Gershenzon, defined as a debate “sur le problème obscur et passionant des racines métaphysiques de la culture.” Its particular resonance is due to the proximity of the revolution, bringing in its wake the irrevocable destruction of cultural treasures.
6 STEINER, HERBERT. “Zu Wjatscheslaw Iwanows Werken.” Neue Schweizer Rundschau (Zürich) 40—41, no. 2 (February): 112—22.
In German. An introductory biographical essay that acquaints the
German reader with the main outline of Ivanov’s literary development and works, emphasizing those available in German. The essay is followed by two items by Ivanov in German translation: “Dostojewskij als Denker,” translated by Alexander Kresling, and “Aus der Tragödie Tantalos,” translated by Henry von Heiseler (pp. 123—34, 135—43).