1 CHULKOV, GEORGII. Gody stranstvii: Iz knigi vospominanii [Years of wandering: From a book of memoirs]. Moscow: Federatsiia, 58, 77—88, 135—36, 152—56, 164—66, 178—80, 189—90, 241—43, 319—20, 341—44, 354—55, 393—96.

In Russian. Includes an abridged text of 1911.6. Memoirs of Chulkov’s encounters with Ivanov at different periods of his life. Describes the background to Ivanov’s review of a brochure on orthography reform (“K voprosu ob orfograficheskoi reforme” [Concerning the orthographic reform] (1905). Relates his early impressions of Ivanov and Zinov’eva-Annibal, first encountered in 1904 at the home of Merezhkovskii, through the period of mystical anarchism (pp. 77—88). On his closeness to Ivanov during the period of the Wednesday gatherings (pp. 135—36). On Sologub’s censure of his book on mystical anarchism (1906.9) with the text of his long letter of 15 July 1906 to him on this subject (pp. 152—56). On Kuzmin and Gorodetskii (pp. 164—66). Chulkov and Ivanov exchange poems in 1919, expressing their


shared sense of retrospective guilt over mystical anarchism (pp. 178—80). Contrasts Ivanov with Annenskii (pp. 189—90). Visits Ivanov in Rome and portrays his syncretic nature (pp. 241—43, an abridged text of 1911.6). Cites letters of 1904 and 1906 from Briusov with references to Ivanov (pp. 319—20, 341—44). Notes the controversy in the press surrounding mystical anarchism (pp. 354—55, 393—96).

2 D., A. “[Ivanov] Viacheslav Ivanovich.” In Malaia sovetskaia entsiklopediia [The short Soviet encyclopedia]. Edited by N. L. Meshcheriakov. Vol. 3. Moscow: Sovetskaia entsiklopediia, 353—54.

In Russian. A very brief entry on Ivanov, defined as poet “for the few” of decadent and bourgeois tendencies, followed by a short bibliography.

3 [DU BOS, CHARLES.] “Avertissement.” Vigile (Paris), no. 4: 35—38.

In French. A preface to the first publication of the French version of Perepiska iz dvukh uglov [A correspondence from two corners] (1930), translated by Hélène Iswolsky and Charles Du Bos and published in this issue together with Ivanov’s “Lettre à Charles Du Bos” of 15 October 1930. The comments on Ivanov are largely drawn from Mirskii (1926.2). Includes a biobibliographic note supplied by Ivanov. Reprinted: 1931.2. For a reprint of the French translation of the correspondence without the preliminary note by Du Bos but with the addition of a preface by Deschartes (a French translation of the Italian edition’s introduction of 1932.4), see Deschartes, 1979.5. For materials related to this translation, see Iswolsky, 1985.4; Malcovati, 1986.32.

4 GOLENISHCHEV-KUTUZOV, IL’IA. “Lirika Viacheslava Ivanova” [The lyric verse of Viacheslav Ivanov]. Sovremennye zapiski (Paris), no. 43: 463—71.

In Russian. Argues that Ivanov is primarily a lyric poet, a point that has been obscured by the emphasis on his role as the leader of the religious symbolists, on his mastery of form, and on the complexity of his philosophical ideas. Focuses on certain strands in Ivanov’s poetry, such as the central Dionysian element and its later renunciation. Quotes and discusses in this context “Mi fur le serpi amiche,” “Rimskie sonety” [Roman sonnets], “Palinodiia” [Palinode] (these last two titles are published here for the first time), and the tragedy “Tantal” [Tantalus]. Takes the view that Ivanov’s poetry has gained in strength over the years. Translated into Serbian and incorporated into 1937.5. See also Shishkin, 1988.59, 1989.53; Golenishcheva-Kutuzova, 1993.24.

5 GOLENISHCHEV-KUTUZOV, IL’IA. “Otrechenie ot Dionisa: Viacheslav Ivanov” [Renunciation of Dionysus: Viacheslav Ivanov]. Vozrozhdenie (Paris), no. 1857, 3 July, 3—1.

In Russian. A review of Ivanov’s monograph on the sources of the religion of Dionysus, Dionis i pradionisiistvo [Dionysus and predionysianism]


(1923). Concludes by quoting the poem “Palinodiia” [Palinode] and commenting on the poet’s overall development in relation to the Dionysian element in his poetry and worldview, renounced in favor of Apollo. Translated into Serbian and incorporated into 1937.5. See also Shishkin, 1988.59, 1989.53; Golenishcheva-Kutuzova, 1993.24.

6 GUDZII, N. “Tiutchev v poeticheskoi kul’ture russkogo simvolizma” [Tiutchev in the poetic culture of Russian symbolism]. In Izvestiia po russkomu iazyku i slovesnosti (Leningrad), Vol. 3, Book 2, 465—549.

In Russian. The essay is dated 8 September 1928. It opens with a quotation from Ivanov’s “Zavety simvolizma” [The precepts of symbolism] (1910) on Tiutchev as the true “rodonachal’nik” [forefather] of Russian symbolism. The influence of Tiutchev is traced in the verse of Merezhkovskii, Konevskoi, Briusov, Ivanov, Baltrushaitis, Blok, Chulkov, Verkhovskii, S. Solov’ev, Voloshin, and a few lesser-known poets. The section on Ivanov (pp. 501—12) discusses the view of Tiutchev presented in Ivanov’s essays, and demonstrates the poet’s influence on Ivanov’s verse through numerous quotations from Kormchie zvezdy [Pilot stars], Prozrachnost’ [Transparency], Cor Ardens, and Nezhnaia taina [The tender mystery]. Tiutchev’s influence is most strongly felt in the first collection. The source of their affinity is their shared sense of the “mysterious life of the elements.” Traces Ivanov’s archaic style back to Tiutchev’s use of language.

7 HEISELER, BERNT VON. “Wenceslas Iwanow.” Der Kunstwort (Munich), Year 43, no. 9 (June): 199—200.

In German. A general article written by the son of Henry von Heiseler, the translator into German of “Tantal” [Tantalus]. Describes Tantalus as a “Festspiel” with a choric rather than dramatic structure; it could be produced, if performed by suitable actors who can “speak poetically.” Notes the brilliance of Heiseler’s German translation. Comments on the recently published German translation of Ivanov’s essay “O russkoi idee” [On the Russian idea] (1930).

8 MAKSIMOV, D. “Novyi put’” [New path]. In Iz proshlogo russkoi zhurnalistiki: Stat’i i materialy [From the past of Russian journalism: Essays and materials], by V. Evgen’ev-Maksimov and D. Maksimov. Leningrad: Izdatel’stvo pisatelei v Leningrade, 147, 195, 215.

In Russian. Includes brief references to Ivanov within the context of a long essay on the journal Novyi put’ by D. Maksimov (pp. 129—254). Refers to Merezhkovskii’s polemics with Ivanov in his essay “Za ili protiv?” [For or against?] (1904.8). Finds that Ivanov’s portrayal of the spirit of hellenism as dark and Dionysiac in his articles “Ellinskaia religiia stradaiushchego boga” [The Hellenic religion of the suffering god] (1904) corresponds to the symbolist


worldview. Lists numbers of poems published by different authors in Novyi put’, including five by Ivanov.

9 MEDTNER, EMIL. “W. Iwanows Wesensschau des Russentums.” Neue Zürcher Zeitung (Zürich), no. 2305 (28 November): Blatt 2, [1—2]; no. 2313 (29 November): Blatt 1, [1—2].

In German. A review in three sections of Schor’s German translation of Ivanov’s essay “O russkoi idee” [On the Russian idea] (1930). The first part is devoted to the religious nature of Russia and explores the similarities and differences between Ivanov and the Slavophiles. Finds that for Ivanov the state is only a minor aspect of a nation. The second part concerns Ivanov’s application of the myth of Dionysus to the Russian people, and comments on its positive aspect (self-denial) and negative aspect (inherent fatalism). The third part considers Ivanov’s opposition of “Land” and “Reich,” suggesting that he considers only the equation of the people with the land. Refers to Ivanov as “the most significant of living Russian poets.” See also Muckerman, 1930.12 and Morando, 1932.8.

10 MIKHAILOVSKII, B. “Ivanov Viacheslav Ivanovich.” In Literaturnaia entsiklopediia [Literary encyclopedia]. Edited by A. V. Lunacharskii. Vol. 4. Moscow: Izdatel’stvo kommunisticheskoi akademii, 404—09.

In Russian. Summarizes Ivanov’s biography, his views on aesthetics, and the central themes of his verse. Comments on the static character of his verse, its language and use of religious and archaic terms. Concludes with an interpretation of the failure of Ivanov’s attempt at the creation of a new universal art from a narrow sociopolitical point of view. A short bibliography of works by and about Ivanov is appended. For a refutation of one inaccuracy, see Ivanov, 1962.4.

11 MIKHAILOVSKII, B. “Russkaia simvolistskaia d[rama]” [Russian symbolist drama]. In Literaturnaia entsiklopediia [Literary encyclopedia]. Edited by A. V. Lunacharskii. Vol. 3. Moscow: Izdatel’stvo kommunisticheskoi akademii, 525—31.

In Russian. A general article on symbolist drama with references to Ivanov’s theories on drama and to his plays “Tantal” [Tantalus] and Prometei [Prometheus], considered alongside works by Sologub and Annenskii.

12 MUCKERMANN, FRIEDRICH. “Auf der Gralwarte.” Der Gral: Monatsschrift für Dichtung und Leben (Münster), Year 24 (June): 806—08.

In German. A review of Die russische Idee (1930), a German translation by Schor of Ivanov’s essay “O russkoi idee” [On the Russian idea] (1909). Applies the argument of Ivanov’s essay to the later Bolshevik revolution of 1917. Dwells on the notion of the Russian people being tested in order to strengthen their religious spirit. Notes Ivanov’s contrast between the “Land”


(the soul of the Russian people) and the “Reich” (the empire or political power), and between the people and the intelligentsia. See also Medtner, 1930.9; Schor, 1930.14; Morando, 1932.8.

13 NEMEROVSKAIA, O., and VOL’PE, Ts., eds. “Sredy Viacheslava Ivanova” [Viacheslav Ivanov’s Wednesdays]. In Sud’ba Bloka: Po dokumentam, vospominaniiam, pis’mam, zametkam, stat’iam i drugim materialam [The fate of Blok: Based on documents, memoirs, letters, notes, essays and other materials]. Leningrad: Izdatel’stvo pisatelei v Leningrade, 92—107.

In Russian. The ninth chapter of this book consists of a series of extracts from different sources, describing the Wednesday gatherings at Ivanov’s tower. The materials quoted are drawn from the writings of Belyi (1922.3, 1923.2); Izmailov (1913.8); Anichkov (1923.1); Blok (1925.1, 1928.1); Berdiaev (1916.3); Kniazhnin (1922.9); Gorodetskii (1922.8); and Tyrkova. Poems by Ivanov and Blok are also included.

14 SCHOR, J. Introduction to Die russische Idee, by Wiatscheslaw Iwanow. Translated and with a preface by J. Schor. Philosophie und Geschichte. Eine Sammlung von Vorträgen und Schriften aus dem Gebiet der Philosophie und Geschichte, no. 26. Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), i—viii.

In German. The introduction to Schor’s translation of Ivanov’s essay “O russkoi idee” [On the Russian idea] (1909) opens with a brief biography of Ivanov and with general comments on the difference between Russian and Western traditions of thought. Notes that Ivanov’s literary work, artistic and philosophical observations, and philological studies are different means to a single goal. Emphasizes that Ivanov belongs to the Russian tradition of “myth-creators.” Finds that the views expressed in his essay were confirmed by the subsequent events of the Russian revolution. Notes that the German verse translations in the essay were done by Ivanov. See also Heiseler, 1930.7; Medtner, 1930.9; Muckermann, 1930.12; and Morando, 1932.8.

15 VERESAEV, V. “Alkei i Safo v perevode Viach. Ivanova” [Alcaeus and Sappho translated by Viacheslav Ivanov]. In Polnoe sobranie sochinenii [Complete collected works]. Vol. 10: Ellinskie poety: Perevody s drevne-grecheskogo [Hellenic poets: Translations from ancient Greek]. Moscow: Izdatel’skoe tovarishchestvo “Nedra,” 262—67.

Reprint of 1915.9.