1 KOGAN, P. S. Literatura etikh let: 1917—1923 [Literature of recent years: 1917—1923]. Ivanovo-Voznesensk: Knigoizdatel’skoe T-vo “Osnova,” 32—33, 43—44, 49.
In Russian. Chapter 3 cites Ivanov as the first example in a catalogue of writers of “dying thoughts and feelings,” who failed to accept or understand the revolution. His works Mladenchestvo [Infancy], Prometei [Prometheus] and “Zimnie sonety” [Winter sonnets] are criticized for being based on personal reminiscences, dreams, and thoughts; the poet has learned nothing from the revolution or the war (pp. 32—33). Criticizes Ivanov as the second “dreamer” of Zapiski mechtatelei, attacks his essay “Kruchi” [Steep slopes] (1919), and quotes from his poem “Chelovek — edin” [Man is alone] (pp. 43—44, from Kogan 1922.10). Belyi, Ivanov, and Zamiatin are “bol’shie talanty” [great talents] who have been followed by endless imitative dreamers (p. 49).
2 SVIATOPOLK-MIRSKII, D. “Viacheslav Ivanovich Ivanov.” In Russkaia lirika: Malen’kaia antologiia ot Lomonosova do Pasternaka [Russian lyric verse: A small anthology from Lomonosov to Pasternak]. Compiled by Prince D. Sviatopolk-Mirskii. Paris: Franko-russkaia pechat’, 196. Reprint (second edition). Paris: Izdatel’stvo La Presse Française & Etrangère, 1925.
In Russian. A short note on Ivanov’s development and influence as a poet, followed by brief comments on the two poems by him chosen for the anthology “Trizna Dionisa” [The funeral rites of Dionysus] and “Ispytanie” [The trial] (pp. 134—36). Gives a very positive characterization of his sense of past culture, carefully considered use of language, and role as a teacher of young poets.
3 VLADISLAVLEV, I. V. Russkie pisateli: Opyt bibliograficheskogo posobiia po russkoi literature X1X—XX st. [Russian writers: A preliminary bibliographical guide to Russian literature of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries]. Fourth expanded and revised edition. Moscow and Leningrad: Gosudarstvennoe izdatel’stvo, 171—72, 371.
In Russian. A bibliography of works by and about Ivanov, followed by a further entry in the appendix on literature of the revolutionary period (1918—1923). Details of Ivanov’s publications include information on prices and on two (unpublished) books in preparation: “Skriabin” (Alkonost) and “Vvedenie v poetiku” [Introduction to poetics] (Al’tsiona). See Vladislavlev, 1928.7.