1 ASEEV, N., ed. “Novatory do Verzhbolova…”; “To, chto gozhe i ne gozhe…” [Innovators before Verzhbolov…; The suitable and the unsuitable…]. Dal’nevostochnoe obozrenie (Vladivostok), 29 June.
In Russian. Publishes the text of two epigrams by Ivanov in the newspaper edited by Aseev, together with a short commentary. The epigrams were inspired by a 1910 “Venok” exhibition of modernist artists and later recalled from memory by D. Burliuk in an interview with Aseev. Source: Khardzhiev, 1989.31; unverified. Aseev also cites Burliuk’s description of Ivanov’s opening speech at an evening in January 1918 during which Maiakovskii read
“Chelovek” [Man]. Source: Katanian, 1945.2; unverified. See also Tschižewskij, 1960.10 and Khardzhiev, 1989.31.
2 “Klub-masterskaia iskusstv ’Krasnyi petukh’” [The art club workshop “The red cock”] . Vestnik teatra (Moscow), no. 1 (1—2 February): 4; no. 3 (8—9 February): 4; no. 6 (15—16 Febraary): 5; no. 11 (11—13 March): 4.
In Russian. Contains detailed reports of lectures given by Ivanov at the club. Issue no. 1 describes his first two lectures on Aeschylus, including readings of excerpts from his own translations. No. 3 outlines his third lecture on Aeschylus’s trilogy, the Oresteia, including comments on the myth of Orestes and its links with Shakespeare’s Hamlet. No. 6 records the content of his fourth lecture on Aeschylus’s Prometheus, tracing the myth of Prometheus in world culture with reference to the biblical Job, Milton, Byron, Shelley, Goethe, Dostoevskii, and Scriabin. No. 11 describes the last lecture in the series, outlining Ivanov’s theory of the origins of Greek tragedy, with reference to Nietzsche and Aristotle and to dithyrambs connected with the cult of Dionysus. See also Trabskii, 1968.13; Kleberg, 1979.9, 1984.16.
3 “S’ezdy: Na s’ezde po vneshkol’nomu obrazovaniiu” [Conferences: At a conference on adult education]. Vestnik teatra (Moscow), no. 26 (14—16 May): 2, 4.
In Russian. Includes an account of the conference on adult education held on 9 May at which Ivanov gave a lecture on the organization of the people’s collective creative talents in the sphere of drama. Publishes the text of Ivanov’s synopsis of his lecture. See also Kleberg, 1979.9, 1984.16.