1 BRIUSOV, VALERII. “Gomer v novom izdanii” [A new edition of Homer]. Russkaia mysl’ (Moscow), god 33, no. 4: 25—30 (third pagination).
In Russian. Briusov’s review of Poemy Gomera v perevodakh Gnedicha i Zhukovskogo [The long poems of Homer translated by Gnedich and Zhukovskii] (1912) includes a reference (p. 26) to Ivanov’s introductory essay, praised for its profound insights, but criticized for failing to meet the needs of the popular nonacademic reader and for not supplying enough general background.
2 BRIUSOV, VALERII. “Segodniashnii den’ russkoi poezii: Iz sbornikov stikhov 1911—1912 g.” [The present state of Russian: On collections of verse from 1911—1912]. Russkaia mysl’ (Moscow), god 33, no. 7: 17—28 (third pagination).
In Russian. Opens with a review of Cor Ardens, part 2, awarded first
place and described as the only “truly valuable” book in a survey of over fifty recent books of poetry. Defines Ivanov’s worldview as “religious aestheticism.” Praises the collection for the perfection of its verse, the bold accuracy of its images, and the depth of its thought. Admires the gazelles and imitations of “dukhovnye stikhi” [spiritual verses]. Ivanov, by virtue of his themes, stands “outside time.” He is the only poet of the older generation who has truly played the role of “teacher.” Reprinted: 1975.4; 1990.10. See also Briusov, 1911.3.
3 BRIUSOV, VALERII. “Viacheslav Ivanov. Andrei Belyi.” In Dalekie i blizkie: Stat’i i zametki o russkikh poetakh ot Tiutcheva do nashikh dnei [Those far and near: Essays and notes on Russian poets from Tiutchev to the present]. Moscow: Skorpion: 115—36. Reprint. Letchworth, Herts.: Bradda Books (Rarity Reprints, 30), 1973.
In Russian. The sections of this essay that deal directly with Ivanov (pp. 115—26, 132—36) consist of revised and enlarged versions of four earlier articles, 1903.2, 1904.4, 1907.6, and 1911.3. More examples and illustrations have been added to the original texts, which are otherwise substantially unchanged. Reprinted: 1975.4.
4 “Chto takoe simvolizm?: Opredelenie Viach. Ivanova” [What is symbolism? A definition by Viach. Ivanov]. Biulleteni literatury i zhizni (Moscow), no. 16 (1 May): 597—98.
In Russian. Introduces a series of extracts from Ivanov’s essay “Mysli o simvolizme” [Thoughts on symbolism] (1912), presented as a definition of symbolist poetry by one of its leaders.
5 CHULKOV, G. I. “O liricheskoi tragedii” [On lyrical tragedy]. In Sochineniia [Works]. Vol. 5, Stat’i: 1905—1911 g.g. [Essays: 1905—1911]. St. Petersburg: Shipovnik, 217—23.
Reprint of 1909.6.
6 [GORODETSKII, SERGEI.] Review of Cor Ardens, parts 1 and 2. Giperborei (St. Petersburg), no. 1 (October): 28—29. Reprint. Leningrad: VTPO “Kinotsentr,” 1990.
Brief, unsigned review in the first issue of the new Acmeist journal. Mentions Ivanov’s role as an original theoretician and influential teacher. Finds the first part of his collection richer in its artistry; the second part falls prey to a brand of symbolism more medieval than contemporary. Describes the language as heavy and obscure, the tone as insufficiently varied. For the attribution of authorship, see Timenchik’s note at the end of the 1990 reprint of the first issue of the journal (including details of a sentence cut from the review before it was sent to the printers). See also Gorodetskii, 1911.7, 1913.4.
7 GUMILEV, N. “Pis’ma o russkoi poezii” [Letters on Russian poetry]. Review of Cor Ardens: Chast’ vtoraia [Cor ardens: part 2]. Apollon (St. Petersburg), no. 6: 52—53.
In Russian. Finds Ivanov’s verse enigmatic, majestically archaic in style, Eastern in origin, representing a highly original extreme of the Slav soul that would, however, be dangerous for imitators to follow. Reprinted: 1923.5; 1968.6; 1990.27. For an English translation see Lapeza, 1977.2. See also 1911.8.
8 GUREVICH, LIUBOV’. Literatura i estetika: Kriticheskie opyty i etiudy [Literature and aesthetics: Critical essays and sketches]. Moscow: Russkaia mysl’, 162—66, 256—58, 262—62 and passim.
In Russian. Includes a reprint of 1911.9. The book consists of various essays, previously published in journals, with scattered references (indexed) to Ivanov’s ideas. Offers a critique of his ideal of a modernist revival of ancient drama, and paraphrases his essay “Zavety simvolizma” [The precepts of symbolism] (1910) and Blok’s response of 1910.5.
9 KUZMIN, M. “‘Cor Ardens’ Viacheslava Ivanova” [Viacheslav Ivanov’s Cor Ardens]. Trudy i dni (Moscow), no. 1 (January — February): 49—51.
In Russian. A very favorable review of Cor Ardens, part 1, considered as a collection of poems rather than as a unified, planned book. Ivanov is an “exclusively lyrical” poet whose verse sometimes requires elucidation through a philosophical commentary, like that of Cavalcanti. Its “full compression” often omits the logical link between images, requiring a special effort of understanding from the reader. Quotes from “Pokrov” [The veil]. Emphasizes the youthful, sunlike, manly qualities of Ivanov’s poetic vision. See Kuzmin, 1912.10.
10 KUZMIN, M. “Pis’mo v redaktsiiu” [Letter to the editor]. Apollon (St. Petersburg), no. 5: 56—7.
In Russian. Complains about the publication in truncated form of his review of Cor Ardens, part 1 (1912.9) in Trudy i dni. Attributes this to a difference between the opinions expressed in his review and those of the journal’s editors, and outlines four areas over which he disagrees with the journal’s announced revival of symbolism. Refers to Ivanov’s poem “Al’piiskii rog” [The alpine horn] in this context.
11 LITOVTSEV, S. “Prazdnik molodoi russkoi poezii: Iubileinoe torzhestvo v chest’ K. D. Bal’monta” [A festivity of recent poetry: An anniversary celebration in honour of K. D. Bal’mont]. Rech’ (St. Petersburg), no. 70, 12 March, 3.
In Russian. An account of the speeches and readings given at a meeting of the Neophilological society of St. Petersburg to mark the twenty-fifth anniversary of Bal’mont’s literary career. Concludes with a brief paraphrase
of the contents of Ivanov’s speech, “sparkling with subtle nuances” (the text of Ivanov’s speech was printed in the immediately preceding issue of Rech’).
12 MEDVEDEV, PAVEL. “Arabeski. II. Viach. Ivanov. Cor Ardens, ch. II” [Arabesques. II. Cor ardens, part 2]. Novaia studiia (St. Petersburg), no. 13 (1 December): 4—5.
In Russian. Relates the second part of Cor Ardens to the ideal of the prophetic, priestly mission of poetry. Dwells on the syncretic symbolism of the rose as developed in its fifth book, “Rosarium.” Rates the second part less highly than the first for its lack of innovation. Describes Ivanov’s verse as “a new stage in the history of Russian literature, opening a path to... the future.…”
13 NEDOBROVO, N. V. “Obshchestvo revnitelei khudozhestvennogo slova v Peterburge” [The society of lovers of the artistic word in St. Petersburg]. Trudy i dni (Moscow), no. 2 (March — April): 23—27.
In Russian. Reports on Ivanov’s contributions to the three meetings of the Society held in 1912. These included comments on Verkhovskii’s talk of 18 January on three types of lyric poetry; opening words at the meeting of 28 January on the eve of the seventy-fifth anniversary of Pushkin’s death; and comments on the talk by Belyi that followed on iambic pentameters and the use of caesura. Also describes at greater length the third meeting of 18 February at which Ivanov’s and Belyi’s talks on symbolism, published in the first issue of Trudy i dni, were debated with Gorodetskii and Gumilev. See Makovskii, 1952.9; Struve, 1981.21; Kuznetsova, 1990.33.
14 NIKOLAEV, N. I. “Novye printsipy literaturnoi kritiki: ‘Po zvezdam’, soch. Viach. Ivanova” [New principles of literary criticism. “By the stars,” a work by Viach. Ivanov]. In “Efemeridy”: Stat’i po voprosam iskusstva, teatra i literatury, kriticheskie etiudy, literaturnye ocherki, nabroski, vpechatleniia [“Ephemerides.” Essays on problems of art, theatre and literature, critical studies, literary sketches, notes, impressions]. Kiev: Izdanie Kievskogo Obshchestva Iskusstva i Literatury, 374—81.
In Russian. A review of Po zvezdam [By the stars], dated 1910. Comments on the collection’s “elevated style,” reminiscent of Lomonosov, Sumarokov, and Trediakovskii. Following Siunnerberg (1909.20), devotes most space to Ivanov’s essay on “Tsygany” [The gypsies], disagreeing with his critique of Belinskii’s view of Pushkin’s use of archaisms in this poem. Ivanov’s weakest point is that he fails to see that the renewal of religious awareness is a social and ethical rather than aesthetic goal. Comments on the futility of trying to recreate a sense of mystery through theatre, and criticizes Ivanov’s “otritsanie byta” [rejection of everyday life].
15 PIAST, VL. “Nechto o kanone” [Thoughts on the canon]. Trudy i dni (Moscow), no. 1 (January — February): 25—35.
In Russian. Paraphrases the content of Ivanov’s talk of 1910, published
in revised form as “Zavety simvolizma” [The precepts of symbolism], and discusses the polemical responses of his contemporaries, Belyi (1910.3), Blok (1910.5), Briusov (1910.6), Gorodetskii (1910.10), and Merezhkovskii (1910.15). For a survey of the discussion following the original talk on which Ivanov’s essay was based, see Kuznetsova, 1990.33.
16 Review of Cor Ardens: Chast’ vtoraia [Cor Ardens: part 2]. Ezhemesiachnye literaturnye i populiarno-nauchnye prilozheniia k zhurnalu “Niva” na 1912 g. (St. Petersburg), no. 3 (September — December): 295.
In Russian. A very brief unsigned review. Finds that while much in the collection reflects the brilliance of true poetry, the sense of inspiration is overwhelmed by dry erudition.
17 VERKHOVSKII, IURII. “O simvolizme Boratynskogo: Pis’mo k Viacheslavu Ivanov po povodu ego ’Myslei o simvolizme’ (Trudy i dni, No. 1)” [On the symbolism of Baratynskii: A letter to Viacheslav Ivanov on the subject of his “Thoughts on symbolism” (Trudy i dni, no. 1)]. Trudy i dni (Moscow), no. 3 (May — June): 1—9.
In Russian. Discusses the symbolic system of Baratynskii’s verse in terms of the last line of Dante’s Paradise (“L’amor che muove il Sole e l’altre stelle”), used by Ivanov in his essay to define the nature of poetic creation and the relationship between image and myth.
18 [VLADISLAVLEV, I.] “Ivanov, Viacheslav Ivanovich.” In Entsiklopedicheskii slovar’ T-va ‘Br. A. i I. Granat i K°’ [The encyclopedia of the ‘A. and I. Granat company’]. Seventh revised edition. Vol. 11 (Prilozhenie). Moscow: n.d., 644.
In Russian. A brief entry on Ivanov, with details of his publications and secondary literature up until 1911. For the attribution of authorship, see Vladislavlev, 1924.3.