Acknowledgements xiii
The list of institutions and individuals to whom I owe thanks is a very long one. Special mention should be made of the following.
The British Academy and the Leverhulme Trust generously funded different stages of work on the project, including the cost of research assistance and of several research trips to Rome, Russia, and the United States. The University of Surrey supported the cost of travel to conferences on Ivanov at the Universities of Heidelberg and Geneva.
I am most grateful to the staff of libraries around the world whose collections I have consulted. In England a substantial part of work on the guide was carried out at the library of the School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University of London, and at the British Library. The interlibrary loan staff of the School of Slavonic and East European Studies and of the University of Surrey showed great patience in helping me to procure many elusive items. The London Library, the Slavonic section of the Taylor Institution Library in Oxford, and the University libraries of Cambridge and Birmingham were also particularly helpful. In the United States, the Slavonic librarians of the New York Public Library and of the Library of Congress in Washington made me welcome. In Italy I collected invaluable materials in Ivanov’s personal library and archive in Rome, at the Biblioteca Nazionale, and at the library of the Ponteficio Istituto Orientale (where I had the pleasure of being helped by librarians who remembered Ivanov personally from his teaching days). In Russia, I was able to locate many rare materials in Moscow at the Russian State Library and at the Historical Library, and in the libraries of St. Petersburg, as well as through the manuscript sections of these libraries and the archives of TsGALI and IMLI in Moscow.
In compiling the guide, I have drawn on the references provided in existing critical literature on Ivanov and on a range of international bibliographical sources. These include the bibliography and database published by the Modern Language Association, the Bibliography of American Publications on East Central Europe: 1945—1957, and its successor, The American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies. The compilers of the ABSEES bibliography (Zbigniew Kantorosinski at the Library of Congress, Aaron Trehub and Patt Leonard at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign) kindly allowed me to consult the
records on their database at regular intervals. I also made good use of The Year’s Work in Modern Language Studies, published by the Modern Humanities Research Association, Garth M. Terry’s East European Languages and Literatures: A Subject and Name Index to Articles in English Language Journals, the European Bibliography of Soviet, East European and Slavonic Studies, numerous Russian bibliographies (listed in the subject index under bibliographies) including Novaia sovetskaia i inostrannaia literatura po obshchestvennym naukam published by INION and the bibliographies of Russian émigré literature compiled by Ludmila Foster (1970.3), T. L. Gladkova and T. A. Osorgina (1988.25), and Leonid Khotin.
Several individuals have been particularly generous with support, advice, suggestions of materials to include, and with assistance in procuring them. In Italy, first and foremost, my deepest gratitude to Dimitrii Ivanov and Andrei Shishkin for their warm hospitality and kindness as well as invaluable help to me on my visits to Rome. Angela Dioletta Siclari, Candida Ghidini, Fausto Malcovati, and Donata Gelli Mureddu also provided useful suggestions and materials.
In Russia, special thanks are owed to Gennadii Obatnin of Pushkinskii dom, IRLI, for drawing my attention to several rare items. I am also extremely grateful to Nikolai Bogomolov, Mikhail Gasparov, Iurii Gerasimov, Inna Koretskaia, Ol’ga Kuznetsova, Nikolai Kotrelev, Aleksandr Mets, Tatiana Nikol’skaia, and Aleksandr Parnis. In Poland, Andrzej Dudek put me in touch with Slavists working on Ivanov and helped with materials in Polish; Gražyna Bryś, Maria Cymborska-Leboda, Rysard Łużny, and Anna Woźniak made further contributions. I would also like to thank Lena Szilard in Hungary and Efraim Sicher and Roman Timenchik in Israel for their suggestions and help.
In the United States, I owe a particular debt of gratitude to Michael Wachtel of Princeton University, who tirelessly supplied me with interesting and unusual items culled in the course of his research on Ivanov; he also generously undertook the task of providing material for the annotations to the German-language items in the guide, even while being in the midst of completing work on his own two books on Ivanov. Helpful suggestions and materials were received from Rosamund Bartlett, Maria Carlson, George Cheron, Olga Cooke, Anna Lisa Crone, Irina Gutkin, Robert Louis Jackson, Alekis Klimoff, George Kline, John Malmstad, Bernice Glatzer Rosenthal, Barry Scherr, and Tomas Venclova. In England, Julian Graffy supplied me with new materials and with much-needed encouragement and support during the final stages of work. Michael Basker, Grev Corbett, Richard Davies, John Elsworth, David Holohan, Catriona Kelly, Roger Keys, Eduard and David Kissin, Milena Michalski, Michael Pushkin, and Avril Pyman have also all kindly provided assistance and advice.
At various times, several people have helped me as research assistants: Linda Williamson in London, Pam Marshall at the London Library, Shona McLeod at the Slavonic section of the Taylor Institution Library in Oxford, Aleksandr Kalinin in Rome, Nadezhda Vasil’eva and Iuliia Mineeva in Moscow, and Tat’iana Belousova in the newspaper department of the Russian State Library.
To all these colleagues and friends, I offer my warmest thanks.