The Author    viii

The Author

Pamela Davidson is the author of The Poetic Imagination of Vyacheslav Ivanov (Cambridge, 1989) and the editor of an anthology of poems dedicated to Anna Akhmatova (Posviashchaetsia Akhmatovoi, Tenafly, NJ: Hermitage, 1991). She has published articles on a number of twentieth-century Russian authors, including Ivanov, Akhmatova, Gumilev, and Bulgakov, and has also written on Russian food and translated nineteenth-century opera libretti and modern poetry.

After taking her first degree in Russian, French, and Italian at the University of Cambridge, she went on to do postgraduate research at St. Antony’s College at the University of Oxford and was subsequently appointed to a Junior Research Fellowship at The Queen’s College, University of Oxford. She has held lectureships at the University of Birmingham and the University of Surrey and is currently a lecturer in Russian at the School of Slavonic and East European Studies of the University of London.
