1 D’IAKONOV, A. [Stavrogin]. “Aleksandr Blok v teatre Komissarzhevskoi” [Aleksandr Blok in the theatre of Komissarzhevskaia]. In O Komissarzhevskoi: Zabytoe i novoe. Vospominaniia, stat’i, pis’ma [On Komissarzhevskaia: Forgotten and new materials. Memoirs, essays, letters]. Edited by K. Rudnitskii. Moscow: Vserossiiskoe teatral’noe obshchestvo, 82—83, 86.

In Russian. The memoirs of A. A. D’iakonov (1882—1963), an actor in Komissarzhevskaia’s theatre, include brief references to Ivanov’s contributions to the theatre’s literary “Saturdays.” On 21 October 1906 Ivanov read his “Difiramb” [Dithyramb] by the light of torches. On 28 October 1906 he and Briusov both read their recent verse after Sologub’s reading of “Dar mudrykh pchel” [The gift of the wise bees]. Ivanov, Sologub, and Voloshin were also present by invitation at a rehearsal on 28 December 1906 of Blok’s “Balaganchik” [The puppet booth] and a play by Maeterlinck, according to brief notes kept by Meierkhol’d.

2 FRANK, S. L. “Viacheslav Ivanov.” In Iz istorii russkoi filosofskoi mysli kontsa XIX i nachala XX veka: Antologiia [On the history of late nineteenth and early twentieth century Russian philosophical thought: An anthology]. Edited by V. S. Frank. Washington, DC, and New York: Inter-Language Literary Associates, 181—82.

In Russian. A brief biographical sketch and assessment of Ivanov’s significance as a thinker serves as an introduction to Frank’s translation into


Russian (pp. 183—93) of Ivanov’s essay “Anima,” first published in German (1935). Frank’s translation omits the fifth section of the essay, “A lyrical intermezzo,” which included two poems by Ivanov on Psyche. Frank writes: “His every word, in prose and in verse, was the fruit of an intuition at once poetic and religious.” For the background to the preparation of this anthology, see the correspondence of Frank and Ivanov (1963.7).

3 GOR’KII, MAKSIM, and IVANOV, VSEVOLOD. “Iz perepiski A. M. Gor’kogo s Vsevolodom Ivanovym” [From the correspondence of A. M. Gor’kii and Vsevolod Ivanov]. Novyi mir, no. 11 (November): 231—58.

In Russian. Includes a letter (p. 249) from Vsevolod Ivanov to Gor’kii, dated January — February 1928, referring to some “excellent poems” sent by Viacheslav Ivanov to Chulkov. Chulkov showed the poems to Vsevolod Ivanov, who telegraphed Viacheslav Ivanov for permission to publish them, but received the reply “publication is not allowed, the poems are being prepared for a posthumous book.”

4 KOSTKA, EDMUND K. “Ivanov.” In Schiller in Russian Literature. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 251—79.

The concluding chapter of this study analyzes Ivanov’s image of Schiller with particular reference to his essay “O Shillere” [On Schiller] (1905). Ivanov’s view of Schiller as a mystic dithyrambic poet derives from his view of Dionysiac choric art and approach to Dostoevskii. His readings of Schiller’s poems and of their reworking by Dostoevskii and Beethoven are one-sided or even distorted. Concludes that “Ivanov interpreted Schiller in an extreme, subjective, and arbitrary manner,” in terms of “his own ideas and general philosophical and literary position and development.”

5 LIDIN, VL. “Viacheslav Ivanov.” In Liudi i vstrechi [People and meetings]. Moscow: Moskovskii rabochii, 188—95.

In Russian. The first part of the memoir concerns a meeting with Ivanov in Moscow in 1919 in connection with an unrealized project for the publishing house of Z. M. Mirovich to produce an edition of Venevitinov under the editorship of Ivanov. The second part describes a visit to Ivanov six years later in Rome in 1925 in order to interest him in translating contemporary Italian writers. Recounts informing the Soviet consul and ambassador that Ivanov was living in Rome; as a result Ivanov was invited to attend a reception at the embassy. Reprinted: 1990.36.

6 SOLOV’eV, BORIS. Poet i ego podvig: Tvorcheskii put’ Aleksandra Bloka [The poet and his achievement: The creative path of Aleksandr Blok]. Moscow: Sovetskii pisatel’, 151—52, 300—07.

In Russian. Links the theory of mystical anarchism developed by Chulkov and Ivanov to various examples of erotic literature, including


Zinov’eva-Annibal’s Tridtsat’ tri uroda [Thirty-three abominations]. Considers Blok’s companion piece (1910.5) to Ivanov’s essay “Zavety simvolizma” [The precepts of symbolism] (1910) together with the ensuing polemical responses of Briusov (1910.6) and Belyi (1910.3). Argues that Blok was not truly with Ivanov in spirit.

7 STACY, ROBERT HAROLD. “A study of Vjacheslav Ivanov, Cor Ardens (Part I).” Ph.D. dissertation, Syracuse University, 304 pp.

A study in six chapters of the first part of Cor Ardens (1911). A short biography (chapter 1) is followed by an introduction to Cor Ardens and symbolist theory (chapter 2). An analysis of the poetry proper forms the core of the study (chapters 3—5), which concludes with a summary of critical comments and attempts an overall critical evaluation of Ivanov’s verse (chapter 6). The appendix includes a bibliography of primary and secondary works, and an index of names and titles. The main concern throughout is with the meaning of the poetry, considered from a critical and comparative perspective. See Dissertation Abstracts International 26:6053A. See also Stacy, 1964.6, 1971.11.

8 ZAITSEV, BORIS. “Viacheslav Ivanov.” In Dalekoe [The distant past]. Washington, DC: Inter-Language Literary Associates, 48—57.

Reprint of 1963.14.