Writings by Viacheslav Ivanov    xxxi

Writings by Viacheslav Ivanov

This chronological list includes books by Ivanov, major essays published in journals and newspapers, and translations of his works published in book form. Apart from a few exceptions, it does not include materials such as miscellaneous poems, letters, translations and editions by Ivanov, or translations of his works published in anthologies and in the periodical press.

Kormchie Zvezdy: Kniga liriki [Pilot stars: A book of lyric verse]. St. Petersburg: Tipografìia A. S. Suvorina, 1903 viii, 380 pp.

“Ellinskaia religiia stradaiushchego boga: Opyt religiozno-istoricheskoi kharakteristiki” [The Hellenic religion of the suffering god: An essay in a religious and historical description]. Novyi put’, no. 1 (January 1904): 110—34; no. 2 (February): 48—78; no. 3 (March): 38—61; no. 5 (May): 28—40; no. 8 (August): 17—26; no. 9 (September): 47—70.

“Kop’e Afiny: Poskol’ku my individualisty?” [Athene’s spear: To what extent are we individualists?]. Vesy, no. 10 (October 1904): 6—15.

“Nitsshe i Dionis” [Nietzsche and Dionysus]. Vesy, no. 5 (May 1904): 17—30.

“Novye maski: Predislovie k drame L. Zinov’evoi-Annibal ’Kol’tsa’” [New masks: Preface to L. Zinov’eva-Annibal’s drama “Rings”] . Vesy, no. 7 (July 1904): 1—10. Also in Kol’tsa: Drama v 3-kh deistviiakh [Rings: A drama in three acts], by L. D. Zinov’eva-Annibal. Moscow: Skorpion, 1904, iii—xiv.

“Poet i Chern’” [The poet and the rabble]. Vesy, no. 3 (March 1904): 1—8.

Prozrachnost’: Vtoraia kniga liriki [Transparency: A second book of lyric verse]. Moscow: Knigoizdatel’stvo “Skorpion,” 1904, 171 pp. Reprint. Munich: Wilhelm Fink (Slavische Propyläen, 30), 1967.

“Iz oblasti sovremennykh nastroenii: I. Apokaliptiki i obshchestvennost’” [From the sphere of contemporary moods: I. The apocalyptics and public opinion]. Vesy, no. 6 (June 1905): 35—39.


“Krizis individualizma: K trekhvekovoi godovshchine ‘Don-Kikhota’” [The crisis of individualism: To mark the three hundred year anniversary of “Don Quixote”] . Voprosy zhizni, no 9 (September 1905): 47—60. For an English translation, see “The Crisis of Individualism,” in A Revolution of the Spirit: Crisis of Value in Russia, 18901924. Ed. Bernice Glatzer Rosenthal and Martha Bohachevsky-Chomiak. Trans. Marian Schwartz. New York: Fordham University Press, 1990, 163—73.

“K voprosu ob orfograficheskoi reforme” [Concerning the orthographic reform]. Voprosy zhizni, no. 9 (September 1905): 254—56.

“O ’Khimerakh’ Andreia Belogo” [On Andrei Belyi’s “Chimaera”] . Vesy, no. 7 (July 1905): 51—52.

“O niskhozhdenii: Vozvyshennoe, prekrasnoe, khaoticheskoe — triada esteticheskikh nachal” [On descent: The elevated, the beautiful, the chaotic — a triad of aesthetic principles]. Vesy, no. 5 (May 1905): 26—36.

“O Shillere” [On Schiller]. Voprosy zhizni, no. 6 (June 1905): 224—36.

“Religiia Dionisa: Ee proiskhozhdenie i vliianiia” [The religion of Dionysus: Its origin and influences]. Voprosy zhizni, no. 6 (June 1905): 185—220; no. 7 (July 1905): 122—48.

“Tantal” [Tantalus]. In Severnye Tsvety Assiriiskie: Al’manakh IV [Northern Assyrian flowers: Anthology IV]. Moscow: Knigoizdatel’stvo “Skorpion,” 1905, 197—245. Reprint. Munich: Wilhelm Fink, 1972. For a German translation, see under 1930, 1940.

“Vagner i Dionisovo deistvo” [Wagner and the Dionysian act]. Vesy, no. 2 (February 1905): 13—16.

“Ideiia nepriiatiia mira i misticheskii anarkhizm” [The idea of the rejection of the world and mystical anarchism]. In O misticheskom anarkhizme [On mystical anarchism], by Georgii Chulkov. St. Petersburg: Knigoizdatel’stvo “Fakely,” 1906, 5—23.

“Nastroeniia poemy ‘Ostrov’” [The moods of the poem “The Island”] . In Bairon [Byron]. Ed. S. A. Vengerov. Biblioteka velikikh pisatelei. Vol. 3. St. Petersburg: Brokgauz-Efron, 1906, 162—68.

“O ‘Fakel’shchikakh’ i drugikh imenakh sobiratel’nykh: Po povodu stat’i Avreliia (“Vesy,” mai 1906)” [On the “torchbearers” and other collective names: Concerning Avrelii’s essay (“Vesy,” May 1906)]. Vesy, no. 6 (June 1906): 52—55.

“Predchuvstviia i predvestiia: Novaia organicheskaia epokha i teatr budushchego” [Premonitions and forebodings: The new organic epoch and the theatre of the future]. Zolotoe runo, no. 4 (1906): 68—73; no. 6 (1906): 53—63. For an English translation of part of this essay, see “The Need for a Dionysian Theatre,” in


The Russian Symbolist Theatre: An Anthology of Plays and Critical Texts. Ed. and trans. Michael Green. Ann Arbor: Ardis, 1986, 113—20.

Eros [Eros]. St. Petersburg: Izdatel’stvo “Ory,” 1907, 82 pp. Reprint. Moscow: Kniga (Biblioteka reprintnykh izdanii), 1991.

“O liubvi derzaiushchei” [On love which dares]. In Fakely: Kniga vtoraia [Torches: Book two]. St. Petersburg: Izdanie D. K. Tikhomirova, 1907, 229—38.

“O veselom remesle i umnom veselii” [On gay craftsmanship and wise gaiety]. Zolotoe runo, no. 5 (1907): 47—55.

“Ty esi” [Thou art]. Zolotoe runo, no. 7—9 (1907): 100—02.

“B. N. Bugaev i ‘Realiora’” [B. N. Bugaev and “Realiora”] . Vesy, no. 7 (July 1908): 73—77.

“Dve stikhii v sovremennom simvolizme” [Two elemental forces in contemporary symbolism]. Zolotoe runo, no. 3—4 (1908): 86—94; no. 5 (1908): 44—50.

“Estetika i ispovedanie” [Aesthetics and creed]. Vesy, no. 11 (November 1908): 45—50.

“O dostoinstve zhenshchiny” [On the dignity of woman]. Slovo, no. 650 (1908): 3; no. 652 (1908): 4.

“Sporady” [Sporades]. Vesy, no. 8 (August 1908): 80—88.

“Sporady” [Sporades]. Zolotoe runo, no. 11—12 (1908): 70—73.

“Tsygany” [The gypsies]. In Pushkin [Pushkin]. Ed. S. A. Vengerov. Biblioteka velikikh pisatelei. Vol. 2. St. Petersburg: Izdanie Brogkauz-Efron, 1908, 225—40.

“Borozdy i mezhi. I. O probleme teatra” [Furrows and boundaries. I. On the problem of the theatre]. Apollon, no. 1 (October 1909): 74—78 (second pagination).

“Drevnii uzhas: Po povodu kartiny L. Baksta ‘Terror Antiquus’” [Ancient terror: On the painting by L. Bakst “Terror antiquus”] . Zolotoe runo, no. 4 (1909): 51—65.

“O russkoi idee” [On the Russian idea]. Zolotoe runo, no. 1 (1909): 85—93; no. 2—3 (1909): 87—94. For a German translation, see under 1930.

Po zvezdam: Stat’i i aforizmy [By the stars: Essays and aphorisms], St. Petersburg: Izdatel’stvo “Ory,” 1909, 438 pp. Reprint. Letchworth, Herts.: Bradda Books (Rarity Reprints, 25), 1971.

De societatibus vectigalium publicorum populi romani. Zapiski Klassicheskogo Otdeleniia Imperatorskogo Arkheologicheskogo Obshchestva, 6, Prilozhenie. St. Petersburg: Tipografiia M. A. Aleksandrova, 1910, 132 pp. Reprint. Rome: “L’erma” di Bretschneider, 1971.


“O poezii I. F. Annenskogo” [On the poetry of I. F. Annenskii]. Apollon, no. 4 (January 1910): 16—24 (second pagination). For an English translation of part of this essay, see “Annensky as Dramatist,” in The Russian Symbolist Theatre: An Anthology of Plays and Critical Texts. Ed. and trans. Michael Green. Ann Arbor: Ardis, 1986, 121—25.

“O proze M. Kuzmina” [On the prose of M. Kuzmin]. Apollon, no. 7 (April 1910): 46—51 (second pagination).

“Zavety simvolizma” [The precepts of symbolism]. Apollon, no. 8 (May — June 1910): 5—20 (first pagination). For an English translation, see “The Precepts of Symbolism,” in The Russian Symbolists: An Anthology of Critical and Theoretical Writings. Ed. and trans. Ronald E. Peterson. Ann Arbor: Ardis, 1986, pp. 143—56.

Cor Ardens. Chast’ pervaia: Cor Ardens Speculum Speculorum Eros Zolotye Zavesy [Cor Ardens. Part 1: Cor Ardens — Speculum Speculorum-Eros — Golden veils]. Moscow: Skorpion, 1911, 234 pp.

“Dostoevskii i roman-tragediia” [Dostoevskii and the novel-tragedy]. Russkaia mysl’, no. 5 (1911): 46—61 (second pagination); no. 6 (1911): 1—17 (second pagination). For an adapted English version, see under 1952. For German translations, see under 1922, 1932.

“L. Tolstoi i kul’tura” [L. Tolstoi and culture]. In Logos: Mezhdunarodnyi ezhegodnik po filosofii kul’tury [Logos: An international year-book on the philosophy of culture]. Russkoe izdanie. Book 1. Moscow: Knigoizdatel’stvo “Musaget,” 1911, 167—78.

“O znachenii Vl. Solov’eva v sud’bakh nashego religioznogo soznaniia” [On the significance of Vl. Solov’ev in the development of our religious consciousness]. In Sbornik pervyi: O Vladimire Solov’eve [A first collection: On Vladimir Solov’ev]. Moscow: Put’, 1911, 32—14.

Cor Ardens. Chast’ vtoraia: Liubov’ i smert’ Rosarium [Cor Ardens. Part 2: Love and death — Rosarium]. Moscow: Skorpion, 1912, 232 pp.

“Epos Gomera: Vstupitel’nyi ocherk” [The epos of Homer: An introductory essay]. In Poemy Gomera: v perevodakh Gnedicha i Zhukovskogo [The poems of Homer: in translations by Gnedich and Zhukovskii]. Ed. A. E. Gruzinskii. Evropeiskie klassiki. Moscow: Okto, 1912, i—lxvii.

“Gete na rubezhe dvukh stoletii” [Goethe on the boundary of two centuries]. In Istoriia zapadnoi literatury: 18001910 gg. [A history of Western literature: 1800—1910]. Ed. F. D. Batiushkov. Vol. 1. Moscow: Izdanie t-va “Mir,” 1912, 113—56.

“Manera, litso i stil’” [Manner, personality and style]. Trudy i dni, no. 4—5 (July — October 1912): 1—12.

“Mysli o simvolizme” [Thoughts on symbolism]. Trudy i dni, no. 1 (January — February


1912): 3—10. For an English translation, see “Thoughts about Symbolism,” in The Russian Symbolists: An Anthology of Critical and Theoretical Writings. Ed. and trans. Ronald E. Peterson. Ann Arbor: Ardis, 1986, 181—88. For a translation drawn from the versions of 1912 and 1916, see “Thoughts on Symbolism,” translated by Samuel D. Cioran, Russian Literature Triquarterly, 1972, no. 4 (Fall): 151—58; reprinted in The Silver Age of Russian Culture: An Anthology, edited by Carl Proffer and Ellendea Proffer. Ann Arbor: Ardis, 1975, 32—39.

Nezhnaia taina. Lepta [Tender mystery. Lepta]. St. Petersburg: Izdatel’stvo “Ory,” 1912, 113 pp.

“O lirizme Bal’monta” [On the lyricism of Bal’mont]. Apollon, no. 3—4 (1912): 36—42.

“‘Orfei’” [“Orpheus”] . Trudy i dni, no. 1 (January — February 1912): 60—63.

“O sushchestve tragedii” [On the essence of tragedy]. Trudy i dni, no. 6 (November — December 1912): 1—15.

“O Dionise orficheskom” [On the orphic Dionysus]. Russkaia mysl’, no. 11 (November 1913): 70—98 (second pagination).

Alkei i Safo: Sobranie pesen i liricheskikh otryvkov v perevode razmerami podlinnikov Viacheslava Ivanova so vstupitel’nom ocherkom ego-zhe [Alcaeus and Sappho: An anthology of songs and lyrical fragments translated in the meters of the originals by Viacheslav Ivanov, with an introductory essay by him]. Pamiatniki mirovoi literatury. Moscow: Izdanie M. i S. Sabashnikovykh, 1914, 253 pp. Second expanded edition (with identical title page of 1914), 1915.

“Churlianis i problema sinteza iskusstv” [Čiurlionis and the problem of the synthesis of the arts]. Apollon, no. 3 (March 1914): 5—21. For an English translation, see “Ciurlonis and the problem of the synthesis of arts,” Lituanus 7, no. 2 (June 1961): 45—57.

“O granitsakh iskusstva” [On the boundaries of art]. Trudy i dni, no. 7 (1914): 81—106.

“Osnovnoi mif v romane ‘Besy’” [The basic myth of the novel The Devils]. Russkaia mysl’, no. 4 (April 1914): 111—17 (second pagination). For an adapted English version, see under 1952. For a German translation, see under 1932.

“Simvolisty o simvolizme” [Symbolists on symbolism]. Zavety, no. 2 (February 1914): 71—84 (second pagination) [“Viacheslav Ivanov,” pp. 80—84].

“Vselenskoe delo” [A universal cause]. Russkaia mysl’, no. 12 (December 1914): 97—107 (second pagination).

Avtobiografiia. Ispoved’. Sonety [Autobiography. Confession. Sonnets], by Petrarch. Trans. M. Gershenzon and Viach. Ivanov. Pamiatniki mirovoi literatury. Moscow: Izdanie M. i S. Sabashnikovykh, 1915, 273 pp.


“Iurgis Baltrushaitis, kak liricheskii poet” [Iurgis Baltrushaitis as a lyric poet]. In Russkaia literatura XX veka (18901910) [Russian literature of the twentieth century (1890—1910). Ed. S. A. Vengerov. Vol. 2, Part 2, Book 6. Moscow: Mir, 1915, 301—11. For an English translation, see “Jurgis Baltrušaitis as a lyric poet,” translated by Thomas E. Bird, Lituanus 25, no. 1 (Spring 1979): 17—31.

“K ideologii evreiskogo voprosa” [On the ideology of the Jewish question]. In Shchit: Literaturnyi sbornik [The shield: A literary anthology]. Ed. L. Andreev, M. Gor’kii, and F. Sologub. Moscow: T-vo tipografii A. I. Mamontova, 1915, 84—86. Third expanded edition, 1916.

“Zhivoe predanie: Otvet N. A. Berdiaevu” [A living tradition: A reply to N. A. Berdiaev]. Birzhevye vedomosti, no. 14734, 18 March 1915, utrennii vypusk, 4.

“Avtobiograficheskoe pis’mo S. A. Vengerovu” [An autobiographical letter to S. A. Vengerov]. In Russkaia literatura XX veka (18901910) [Russian literature of the twentieth century (1890—1910)]. Ed. S. A. Vengerov. Vol. 3, Book 8. Moscow: Mir, 1916, 81—96.

“Baironizm kak sobytie v zhizni russkogo dukha” [Byronism as an event in the life of the Russian spirit]. Russkaia mysl’, no. 5 (1916): 93—97 (second pagination).

Borozdy i Mezhi: Opyty esteticheskie i kriticheskie [Furrows and boundaries: Essays in aesthetics and criticism]. Moscow: Izdatel’stvo “Musaget,” 1916, 351 pp. Reprint. Letchworth, Herts.: Bradda Books (Rarity Reprints, 24), 1971.

“Dva lada russkoi dushi” [Two aspects of the Russian soul]. Utro Rossii, no. 101, 10 April 1916, 4.

“Esteticheskaia norma teatra” [The aesthetic norm of the theatre]. In Novaia zhizn’: Literaturno-obshchestvennyi al’manakh III [New life: A literary and social miscellany III]. Moscow: Tipografiia Akts. O-va “Moskovskoe izdatel’stvo,” 1916, 9—21.

“Legion i sobornost’” [Legion and communality]. Utro Rossii, no. 58, 27 February 1916, 5.

“Mimo zhizni” [Past life]. Utro Rossii, no. 44, 13 February 1916, 5.

“O ‘mysli izrechennoi’: Otvet g. N. Ustrialovu” [On the “spoken thought”: A reply to N. Ustrialov]. Utro Rossii, no. 106, 16 April 1916, 5.

“O tvorchestve Valeriia Briusova” [On the art of Valerii Briusov]. Utro Rossii, no. 77, 17 March 1916, 5.

“Poliksena Solov’eva (Allegro) v pesne i dume” [Poliksena Solov’eva (Allegro) in song and thought]. In Russkaia literatura XX veka (18901910) [Russian literature of the twentieth century (1890—1910)]. Ed. S. A. Vengerov. Vol. 3, Book 8. Moscow: Mir, 1916, 172—84.



“Shekspir i Servantes” [Shakespeare and Cervantes]. Utro Rossii, no. 114, 24 April 1916, 6.

“Vdokhnovenie uzhasa: O romane Andreia Belogo ‘Peterburg’” [The inspiration of terror: On Andrei Belyi’s novel Petersburg]. Utro Rossii, no. 148, 28 May 1916, 5—6. For an English translation, see “The Inspiration of Horror,” in The Noise of Change: Russian Literature and the Critics (18911917). Ed. and trans. Stanley Rabinowitz. Ann Arbor: Ardis, 1986, 207—46.

“Lik i lichiny Rossii: K issledovaniiu ideologii Dostoevskogo” [The face and masks of Russia: Towards an investigation of Dostoevskii’s ideology]. Russkaia mysl’, no. 1 (1917): 16—43 (second pagination). For an adapted English version, see under 1952. For a German translation, see under 1932.

“Revoliutsiia i samoopredelenie Rossii” [The revolution and the self-determination of Russia]. Narodopravstvo, no. 14 (30 October 1917): 7—10.

Rodnoe i vselenskoe: Stat’i (19141916) [Matters native and universal: Essays (1914—1916)]. Moscow: Izdanie G. A. Lemana i S. I. Sakharova, 1917, 205 pp.

“Sotsial-makiavellizm i kul’tur-mazokhizm” [Social Machiavellism and cultural masochism]; “Predatel’stvo” [Treachery]; “Kraeugol’nyi kamen’” [The corner-stone]; “Lovushka” [A trap]. Luch pravdy (Moscow), no. 1, November 1917 [n.d.], l; no. 2, 27 November 1917, 1; no. 3, 4 December 1917, l; no. 4, 11 December 1917, 1.

Mladenchestvo [Infancy]. Petersburg: Alkonost, 1918, 57 pp. Reprint, n.p., n.d.

“Nash iazyk” [Our language]. In Iz glubiny: Sbornik statei o russkoi revoliutsii [From the depths: A collection of essays on the Russian revolution]. Ed. P. Struve. Moscow and Petrograd: Knigoizdatel’stvo “Russkaia mysl,’” 1918, 133—40. For an English translation, see “Our Language,” in Out of the Depths (De Profundis): A Collection of Articles on the Russian Revolution. Trans, and ed. William F. Woehrlin. Introduction by Bernice Glatzer Rosenthal. Irvine, CA: Charles Schlacks Jr., 1986, 119—24.

“Kruchi” [Steep slopes]. Zapiski mechtatelei, no. 1 (1919): 103—18.

“K voprosu ob organizatsii tvorcheskikh sil narodnogo kollektiva v oblasti khudozhestvennogo deistva” [Concerning the organization of the creative strengths of the people’s collective in the field of the artistic act]. Vestnik teatra, no. 26 (14—15—16 May 1919): 4.

“O Vagnere” [On Wagner]. Vestnik teatra, no. 31—32 (9—15 June 1919):8—9.

Prometei: Tragediia [Prometheus: A tragedy]. Petersburg: Alkonost, 1919, xxv, 77 pp. Reprint, n.p., n.d.

“Zerkalo Iskusstva” [The mirror of art]. Vestnik teatra, no. 4 (11—12 February 1919): 2—3.




“Mnozhestvo i lichnost’ v deistve” [The multitude and the individual in the theatrical act]. Vestnik teatra, no. 62 (27 April — 2 May 1920): 5.

Perepiska iz dvukh uglov [A correspondence from two corners], by Viacheslav Ivanov and M. O. Gershenzon. Petersburg: Alkonost, 1921, 62 pp. Reprint. Ann Arbor: Ardis, 1980. For translations into English, see under 1947, 1948, 1966, 1984; into French, under 1930, 1931, 1979; into German, under 1926, 1946, 1948, 1949; into Italian, under 1932; into Spanish, under 1933; into Hebrew, under 1943; into Dutch, under 1945.

Dostojewskij und die Romantragödie. Trans. Dmitrij Umanskij. Leipzig and Vienna: Verlag der Wiener Graphischen Werkstätte, 1922, 77 pp.

“O noveishikh teoreticheskikh iskaniiakh v oblasti khudozhestvennogo slova” [On the latest theoretical research in the field of the artistic word]. In Nauchnye izvestiia: Sbornik vtoroi. Filosofiia. Literatura. Iskusstvo [Academic papers: A second collection. Philosophy. Literature. Art]. Akademicheskii tsentr Narkomprosa. Moscow: Gosudarstvennoe izdatel’stvo, 1922, 164—81.

Perepiska iz dvukh uglov [A correspondence from two corners], by Viacheslav Ivanov and M. O. Gershenzon. Moscow and Berlin: Ogon’ki, 1922, 71 pp.

Dionis i pradionisiistvo [Dionysus and predionysianism]. Baku: 2-ia Gosudarstvennaia tipografiia, 1923, xii, 303 pp.

“Briefwechsel zwischen zwei zimmerwinkeln.” Die Kreatur, 1926, Year I, no. 2, 159—99.

“‘Revizor’ Gogolia i komediia Aristofana” [Gogol’s “Inspector General” and the comedy of Aristophanes]. In Teatral’nyi Oktiabr’. Sbornik I [Theatrical October: Anthology I]. Leningrad and Moscow, 1926, 89—99. For an English translation, see “Gogol’s Inspector General and the Comedy of Aristophanes,” in Gogol from the Twentieth Century: Eleven Essays, selected, edited, translated, and introduced by Robert A. Maguirc. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1974, 199—214. For a revised German translation, see under 1933.

“Correspondance d’un coin à l’autre,” by Venceslas Ivanov et M. O. Gerschenson. Traduit du russe par Hélène Iswolsky et Charles du Bos. “Lettre à Charles du Bos.” Vigile, no. 4 (1930): 33—120.

Die russische Idee. Trans. and with a preface by J. Schor. Philosophie und Geschichte. Eine Sammlung von Vorträgen und Schriften aus dem Gebiet der Philosophie und Geschichte, 26. Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1930, viii, 39 pp.

“K problème zvukoobraza u Pushkina” [On the problem of the sound-image in Pushkin]. In Moskovskii Pushkinist. II. Stat’i i materialy [Moscow Pushkin studies. II. Essays and materials]. Ed. M. A. Tsiavlovskii. Moscow: Izdatel’sto “Federatsiia,” 1930, 94—105.




“Tantalos: Tragödie.” Trans. Henry von Heiseler. Orient und Occident, no. 4 (1930): 45—63.

Correspondance d’un coin à l’autre, by V. Ivanov and M. O. Gerschenson. Précédée d’une Introduction de G. Marcel et suivie d’une lettre de V. Ivanov à Ch. Du Bos. Traduction du Russe par Hélène Isvolski et Ch. Du Bos. Paris: Editions Roberto A. Corrêa, 1931. 190 pp.

“Vergils Historiosophie.” Corona, Year I, no. 6 (May 1931 ): 761—74.

Corrispondenza da un angolo all’altro, by Venceslao Ivanov and M. O. Gherscenson. Trans. Olga Resnevic. Rev. Venceslao Ivanov. Introduction by O. Deschartes. Cultura dell’anima. 142. Lanciano: R. Carabba, 1932, 144 pp. Reprinted with an introduction by Aleksej Rudnev. Milan: La Casa di Matriona. 1976, 158 pp.

Dostojewskij: Tragödie Mythos Mystik. Authorized translation by Alexander Kresling. Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 1932, vii, 142 pp. For an English translation, see under 1952.

“Correspondencia desde un ángulo a otro: (entre M. O. Gerschenson y V. I. Ivanov).” Revista de Occidente, 39, no. 117 (January — February — March 1933): 241—67; 40, no. 118 (April — May — June 1933): 1—37.

“Discorso sugli orientamenti dello spirito moderno.” Il Convegno, Year XIV. no. 8—12, 1933, 328—47.

“Gogol und Aristophanes.” Corona, Year III, no. 5 (June 1933): 611—22.

“Il lauro nella poesia del Petrarca.” Extract from Annali della Cattedra Petrarchesca, Vol. 4, 1932. Florence: Tipocalcografìa classica, 1933, 9 pp.

“Lettera ad Alessandro Pellegrini sopra la ‘Docta pietas’.” Il Convegno, Year XIV, no. 8—12, 1933, 316—27.

“Humanismus und Religion: Zum religionsgeschichtlichen Nachlass von Wilamowitz.” Hochland 31, no. 10 (July 1934): 307—30.

“Anima.” Corona, Year V, no. 4 (May 1935): 373—89.

“Realismo: Letteratura e arte.” In Enciclopedia Italiana di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti. Rome: Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana fondata da Giovanni Treccani. Vol. 28, 1935. 940—41. For an English translation, see “Realism,” translated by Thomas E. Bird, Russian Literature Triquarterly, no. 4 (Fall 1972): 159—62.

“Simbolismo.” In Enciclopedia Italiana di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti. Rome: Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana fondata da Giovanni Treccani. Vol. 31, 1936, 793—95. For an English translation, see “Symbolism.” translated by Thomas E. Bird, Russian Review 25, no. 1 (January 1966): 24—34.

“Gli aspetti del bello e del bene nella poesia di Puškin.” In Alessandro Puškin nel primo centenario della morte. Ed. Ettore Lo Gatto. Rome: Istituto per l’europa Orientale, 1937, 25—42.




“Introduzione.” In Eugenio Oneghin di Alessandro Puškin. Versione poetica di Ettore Lo Gatto. [Milan]: Valentino Bompiani, 1937, 9—16.

“O Pushkine” [On Pushkin]: I. “Roman v stikhakh” [A novel in verse]. II. “Dva maiaka” [Two guiding lights]. Sovremennye zapiski, no. 64 (1937): 177—95.

“Vom Igorlied.” Corona, Year VII, no. 6, 1937, 661—69.

Chelovek [Man]. Seriia “Russkie poety,” no. 9. Paris: Dom knigi, 1939, 114 pp. For an Italian translation, see under 1946.

Tantalos: Tragödie. Translated into German by Henry von Heiseler. Dessau and Leipzig: Karl Rauch Verlag, 1940, 73 pp.

Halifat miktavim mishtei zviot, by V. Ivanov and M. Gershenzon. Translated into Hebrew by Izrail’ Zior. Tel Aviv: Makhbarot le sifrut, “Hapoel hatzair,” 1943, 48 pp.

Nihilisme of traditionalisme: Brieven van den eenen hoek naar den anderen, by M. O. Gersjenson and Vj. Ivanov. Translated and with a preface by L. Landsman. Series: Keurbibliotheek. Bruges and Brussels: De Kinkhoren, 1945, 105 pp.

Briefwechsel zwischen zwei Zimmerwinkeln, by M. Gerschenson and W. Iwanow. Trans. and with a foreword by Nicolai von Bubnoff. Schriften zur Humanität II. Band. Frankfurt am Main: Siegel-Verlag. Otto Müller, 1946, 79 pp.

“Ein echo: Aus einem Brief an Karl Muth.” Mesa, no. 2 (Autumn 1946): 21—22.

[Introduction and notes]. In Deianiia sv. Apostolov; Poslaniia sv. Apostolov; Otkroveniia sv. Ioanna [The Acts of the Apostles; the Epistles of the Apostles; the Revelation of St John the Divine]. Rome: Tipografia Vaticana, 1946, 532 pp.

L’Uomo. Translated in verse by Rinaldo Küfferle. Milan: Fratelli Bocca Editori, 1946, 135 pp.

“Correspondence between two corners of a room.” Mesa, no. 3 (Winter 1947): 4—22 [only Ivanov’s six letters].

“I limiti dell’arte;” “Forma formans e forma formata;” “Il simbolismo e la grande arte.” In L’estetica e la poesia in Russia. Ed. Ettore Lo Gatto. Florence: G. C. Sansoni, 1947, 450—70, 471—76, 477—81.

Briefwechsel zwischen zwei Zimmerwinkeln, by M. Gerschenson and W. Iwanow. Trans. and with an afterword by Nicolai von Bubnoff. Anker-Bücherei Band 17. Stuttgart: Ernst Klett, 1948, 76 pp.

“Correspondence Between Two Corners.” Trans. Norbert Guterman. Partisan Review (New York) 15, no. 9 (September 1948): 951—65, 1028—48.

Briefwechsel zwischen zwei Zimmerwinkeln, by Wjatscheslaw Iwanow und Michael Gerschenson. Revised and authorized translation. Afterword by J.




Neuvecelle [D. Ivanov]. Vienna: Thomas Morus Presse, Verlag Herder, 1949, 126 pp.

[Foreword and introduction]. In Psaltir’: Na slavianskom i russkom iazykakh [The psaltery: In Church Slavonic and in Russian]. Rome: Vatikanskaia tipografiia, 1950, v, vii—xviii.

Freedom and the Tragic Life: A Study in Dostoevsky. Foreword by Sir Maurice Bowra. Trans. Norman Cameron. Ed. S. Konovalov. New York: Noonday, 1952, 166 pp.

“O dnevnikakh T. L. Sukhotinoi” [On the diaries of T. L. Sukhotina], Novyi zhurnal, no. 32 (1953): 288—95.

“Forty-one Sonnets by Vyacheslav Ivanov.” With an introduction by O. Deschartes. Oxford Slavonic Papers, no. 5 (1954): 56—80.

Das alte Wahre: Essays. With an afterword by Victor Wittkowski. Bibliothek Suhrkamp, no. 24. Berlin and Frankfurt: Suhrkamp Verlag [1955], 198 pp.

“Poems.” Oxford Slavonic Papers, no. 7 (1957): 64—82.

“Puškin;” “Lermontov.” In I protagonisti della letteratura russa dal XVIII al XX secolo. Ed. Ettore Lo Gatto. Milan: Bompiani, 1958, 183—97; 257—71.

“Mysli o poezii” [Thoughts on poetry]. Novyi zhurnal, no. 69 (1962): 72—95.

Svet vechernii [Vespertine light]. With an introduction by Sir Maurice Bowra and commentary by O. Deschartes. Ed. Dimitri Ivanov. Oxford: Clarendon, 1962, 229 pp.

“A Corner-to-Corner Correspondence,” by Viacheslav Ivanov and Mikhail Gershenzon. Trans. Gertrude Vakar. In Russian Intellectual History: An Anthology. Comp. and ed. Marc Raeff. With an Introduction by Isaiah Berlin. Atlantic Highlands, NJ: Humanities, 1966, 372—401.

Sobranie sochinenii [Collected works]. Ed. D. V. Ivanov and O. Deschartes. Vol. 1. Brussels: Foyer Oriental Chrétien, 1971, 872 pp.

Sobranie sochinenii [Collected works]. Ed. D. V. Ivanov and O. Deschartes. Vol. 2. Brussels: Foyer Oriental Chrétien, 1974, 852 pp.

Stikhotvoreniia i poemy [Poems and longer verse]. Introductory essay by S. S. Averintsev. Comp., ed., and ann. R. E. Pomirchii. Biblioteka poeta. Malaia seriia. Izdanie tret’e. Leningrad: Sovetskii pisatel’, 1976, 558 pp. Reprint. 1978.

Correspondance d’un coin à l’autre, by Viatcheslav Ivanov and Mikhail Gerschenson. Preface by O. Deschartes. Collection “Classiques Slaves” dirigée par Georges Nivat, Jacques Catteau et Vladimir Dimitrijevic. Lausanne: L’Age d’Homme, 1979, 110 pp.

Sobranie sochinenii [Collected works]. Ed. D. V. Ivanov and O. Deschartes. Vol. 3. Brussels: Foyer Oriental Chrétien, 1979, 896 pp.




Correspondence across a room, by Viacheslav Ivanov and Mikhail Gershenzon. Trans. Lisa Sergio. Marlboro, VT: Marlboro, 1984, 67 pp.

“Neokonchennaia tragediia Viacheslava Ivanova ‘Niobeia’ [Viacheslav Ivanov’s unfinished tragedy “Niobe”] . Ed. with an introduction by Iu. K. Gerasimov. In Ezhegodnik rukopisnogo otdela Pushkinskogo doma na 1980 god [The year-book of the manuscripts section of Pushkinskii dom for 1980]. Ed. K. N. Grigor’ian. Leningrad: Nauka, 1984, 178—203.

Esse, stat’i, perevody [Essays, articles, translations]. Brussels: Foyer Oriental Chrétien, 1985, 221 pp.

Poezje. Ed. with an introduction by Seweryn Pollak. Warsaw: Państwowy instytut Wydawniczy, 1985, 314 pp.

“Stat’i Viach. Ivanova o Skriabine” [Viach. Ivanov’s essays on Scriabin]. Ed. with an introduction by I. A. Myl’nikova. In Pamiatniki kul’tury. Novye otkrytiia: Pis’mennost’. Iskusstvo. Arkheologiia. Ezhegodnik. 1983 [Monuments of culture: New discoveries. Literature. Art. Archaeology. Year-book. 1983]. Leningrad: Nauka, 1985, 88—119.

Dukhovnye stikhi [Spiritual verses]. Limited edition. Rome: Tipografia S. G. S. Istituto Pio XI, 1986, 57 pp.

Sobranie sochinenii [Collected works]. Ed. D. V. Ivanov and O. Deschartes with A. B. Shishkin. Vol. 4. Brussels: Foyer Oriental Chrétien, 1987, 800 pp.

“Eskhil: Tragedii v perevode Viacheslava Ivanova” [Aeschylus: Tragedies translated by Viacheslav Ivanov]; “Predislovie perevodchika k “Orestee” Eskhila” [Translator’s preface to the “Oresteia” of Aeschylus]; “Ellinskaia religiia stradaiushchego boga: Fragmenty verstki knigi 1917 g.” [The hellenic religion of the suffering god: Extracts from the proofs of the book of 1917]; “Dionis i pradionisiistvo: Fragmenty knigi” [Dionysus and predionysianism: Extracts from the book]. In Tragedii [Tragedies], by Aeschylus. Trans. Viacheslav Ivanov. Ed. N. I. Balashov, Dim. Viach. Ivanov, M. L. Gasparov, G. Ch. Guseinov, N. V. Kotrelev, and V. N. Iarkho. Akademiia nauk SSSR. Literaturnye pamiatniki. Moscow: Nauka, 1989, 5—195; 196—97; 307—50; 351—450.

Predchuvstviia i predvestiia: Sbornik [Premonitions and forebodings: An anthology]. Ed. S. V. Stakhorskii. Moscow: Gosudarstvennyi institut teatral’nogo iskusstva, 1991, 125 pp.

Liriche. Teatro. Saggi, by Vjačeslav Ivanov. Ed. and trans. Donata Gelli Mureddu. Preface by Michele Colucci. Rome: Libreria dello stato, 1993, 463 pp.
