Воспроизводится по изданию: Вячеслав Иванов. Ave Roma. Римские сонеты. Санкт-Петербург, Каламос, 2011.


The autumnal pool lies sleeping, gently blown
With beggared purple’s tattered majesty,
Asclepius with snake mid moss and stone
Beholds beneath an arch the maple tree.

The azure vault is framed, as if in bronze,
By trappings of a dark resplendent show,
The foliage untouched by deadening bonds
Of frost or glint of any shroud of snow.

The Blessed gaze on us and smile abashed
As they would contemplate a platan tree
That wilts in sunlight. Sound of crystal splashed:
The rippling form flows upward radiantly.

And on the mirrored surface calm, capsize
Asclepius, maple, fountain, and the skies.


Translated by Lowry Nelson, Jr.


Автограф. РАИ, опись 1, картон 5, папка 20, лист 8
        Valle GiuliaФото С. Швец.
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